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Amy Dutton

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7 episodes

JS Party JS Party #350

One last party

2025-02-13T20:20:00Z #javascript 🎧 12,769

Jerod is joined by KBall, Nick & Amy to throw one last JS Party! We review last year’s predictions, discuss the state of the web dev world, opine on coding AIs (of course) & divulge what comes next for the JS Party crew. Thank you for partying with us all these years! 💚

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #29

You have how many open tabs?!

2024-02-04T22:25:00Z #conferences 🎧 18,020

We’re taking you to the hallway track at THAT Conference in Austin TX, where we have 3 fun conversations: one with our old friend Nick Nisi from JS Party, one with our new(ish) friend Amy Dutton from CompressedFM (who has been a guest on JS Party of late) & one with our brand new friend / long-time listener Andres Pineda from the Dominican Republic.

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