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Marcos Nils

2 episodes

Ship It! Ship It! #85

The hard parts of platform engineering

2023-01-11T18:45:00Z #ops +1 🎧 10,548

Marcos Nils has been into platform engineering for the best part of the last decade. He helped architect & build developer platforms using VMs & OpenStack, containers with Docker, and even Kubernetes. He did this at startups with 10 people, as well as large, publicly traded companies with 1000+ software engineers.

Today we talk with Marcos about the hard parts of platform engineering.

Go Time Go Time #158

Play with Go

2020-12-03T17:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,163

Play with Go is a set of hands-on, interactive tutorials for learning the tools used while programming in Go. In this episode we are joined by its creators, Paul Jolly and Marcos Nils, as we learn more about what motivated the creation of the project, what technology it was built on, and how you can help contribute additional guides to help your fellow gophers!

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