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Carmen Andoh

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21 episodes

Go Time Go Time #239

Go for beginners ♻️

2022-07-21T14:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 23,659

How do beginners learn Go? This episode is meant to engage both non-Go users that listen to sister podcasts here on Changelog, or any Go-curious programmers out there, as well as encourage those that have started to learn Go and want to level up beyond the basics. On this episode we’re aiming to answer questions about how to learn Go, identify resources that are available, and where you can go to continue your learning journey.

Go Time Go Time #158

Play with Go

2020-12-03T17:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,169

Play with Go is a set of hands-on, interactive tutorials for learning the tools used while programming in Go. In this episode we are joined by its creators, Paul Jolly and Marcos Nils, as we learn more about what motivated the creation of the project, what technology it was built on, and how you can help contribute additional guides to help your fellow gophers!

Go Time Go Time #146

Hits of the Summer

This episode is different than what you’re used to. We’ve been clipping highlights of the show for awhile now to share on Twitter and YouTube. A side effect of that effort is a bunch of awesome clips just sitting on Jerod’s hard drive collecting digital dust. So, here’s a beta test of a “best of” style clips show covering the summer months. Let us know if you like it!

Go Time Go Time #140

The latest on Generics

2020-07-30T18:30:00Z #go 🎧 16,785

Robert and Ian join us to talk about the latest updates on generics in Go. What type of feedback are they looking for as developers get their hands on tools designed to experiment with generics and Go? What was the deal with the featherweight Go paper that also discussed generics? Why can’t we use angle brackets for generics?

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #391

Work from home SUPERCUT

Today we’re featuring conversations from different perspectives on working from home from our JS Party, Go Time, and Brain Science podcasts here on Because, hey…if you didn’t know we have 6 active podcasts in our portfolio of shows. Head to to collect them all!

Go Time Go Time #123


2020-03-26T17:00:00Z #wfh +3 🎧 13,427

Working from home can be challenging, especially amid school closings and everything else caused by COVID-19. In this episode panelists Jon, Mat, Carmen, and Mark share advice and experiences they have accumulated over many years of working from home. They cover separating your work space from your personal space, signaling to your family that you are busy, ways to keep track of the time, and suggestions for getting some exercise in when you can.

Go Time Go Time

It is Go Time!

2020-03-16T20:37:40Z #go 🎧 21,339

This is THE podcast for diverse discussions from around the Go community.

Go Time’s panel hosts special guests like Kelsey Hightower… (clip from episode #114)

picks the brains of the Go team at Google… (clip from episode #100)

shares their expertise from years in the industry (clip from episode #102)

and has an absolute laugh riot along the way… (clip from episode #110)

It is Go Time! Please listen to a recent episode that interests you and subscribe today. We’d love to have you with us.

Go Time Go Time #115


2020-01-30T15:30:00Z #go +2 🎧 14,522

Carmen, Mat, and Jon are joined by Steve Francia and Julie Qiu to discuss the new website. What was the motivation behind it? What technology was used to build it? How are they working to make package discovery better? And what resources are there to help you convince your manager to use Go on that upcoming project?

Go Time Go Time #112

defer GoTime()

2020-01-07T17:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,986

Mat, Carmen, and Jon are joined by Dan Scales to talk about Mat’s favorite keyword in Go - defer. Where did the defer statement come from? What problems can it solve? How has it shaped how we write Go code? How are other languages solving similar problems? And what exactly was changed in Go 1.14 to improve the performance of defer?

Go Time Go Time #100

Creating the Go programming language

2019-09-25T19:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 24,428

Carmen and Jon talk with Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer (the creators of Go) about its origins, growth, influence, and future. This an epic episode that dives deep into the history and details of the how’s and why’s of Go, and the choices they’ve made along the way in creating this awesome programing language.

Go Time Go Time #99

Hiring and nurturing junior developers

2019-09-20T19:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 14,069

Johnny, Carmen, Jon, and returning guest Stevenson Jean-Pierre talk about hiring engineers with a focus on junior roles. Why do we keep running into these ridiculous job listings that nobody could ever live up to? What benefits do junior developers bring to the team? Why don’t teams put more focus on developing junior engineers? What can we do better?

Go Time Go Time

The infrastructure effect: COBOL and Go

2019-08-27T11:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 12,013

We partnered with Red Hat to promote Season 3 of Command Line Heroes — an original podcast from Red Hat, hosted by Saron Yitbarek of CodeNewbie, about the people who transform technology from the command line up. It’s an awesome show and we’re huge fans of Saron and the team behind the podcast, so we wanted to share it with you.

Learn more and subscribe at

Go Time Go Time #91

if err != nil

2019-07-11T10:55:00Z #go +1 🎧 17,267

Mat and Carmen along with guest panelists Dave Cheney, Peter Bourgon, and Marcel van Lohuizen discuss errors in Go, including the new try proposal. Many questions get answered…What do we think about how errors work in Go? How is it different from other languages/approaches? What do/don’t we like? What don’t we like? How do we handle errors these days? What’s going on with the try proposal?

Go Time Go Time #88

Go 💚 open source

2019-06-07T21:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 12,326

Panelists Mark Bates, Johnny Boursiquot, and Carmen Andoh discuss Go and open source — what is it, the value in contributing, what it means to be a maintainer, best practices, and the recent blog post from Chris Siebenmann titled “Go is Google’s language, not ours.”

Go Time Go Time #85

Go for beginners

2019-05-15T17:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 16,370

How do beginners learn Go? This episode is meant to engage both non-Go users that listen to sister podcasts here on Changelog, or any Go-curious programmers out there, as well as encourage those that have started to learn Go and want to level up beyond the basics. On this episode we’re aiming to answer questions about how to learn Go, identify resources that are available, and where you can go to continue your learning journey.

Go Time Go Time #82

Hiring and job interviews

2019-04-23T17:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,034

Panelists Mat Ryer, Ashley McNamara, Johnny Boursiquot, and Carmen Andoh discuss the process of getting hired, hiring, and job interviews. If people are the most important part of a team, how do we pick who we work with? What’s the process like? How can it better?

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