
Backstage Artwork

Your backstage pass to the people behind Changelog and the things that interest them

This podcast is not in production. Please browse and enjoy the archive below.

Backstage Backstage #20

New Mac day!

2021-11-24T18:00:00Z #apple +2 🎧 3,258

We upgraded to the new MacBook Pro M1 Max and decided to share our first impressions of the new hardware, how we migrate data and settings from our old machines (or don’t), which apps were “instant installs” for each of us, which apps we’re trying to live without, and how we get our new machines set up for work and play. Nerd out with us!

Backstage Backstage #18

Tenet with heavy spoilers

2021-08-27T21:30:00Z #culture 🎧 3,126

After months of talking about and planning this episode, we decided near the very end to invite Paul from Heavy Spoilers to join us for a deep, spoiler filled, discussion on the movie Tenet, which was directed by Christopher Nolan and released September 2020. If you’re a fan of Tenet, you’ll love this episode.

Warning: This episode literally includes heavy spoilers. So come back after you’ve watched the film, or proceed if that doesn’t bother you.

Backstage Backstage #17

Consuming podcasts like PB&J

2021-06-09T15:10:00Z 🎧 2,421

Adam and Jerod sit down to answer a listener question (Hi, Alex! 👋) about how we podcast. Not how we create podcasts, but how we consume podcasts. Along the way we share an update on our comments feature, discuss the Apple Podcasts rollout debacle (and how it affected us launching Ship It!), and give a few personal recommendations of podcasts we’re listening to.

Backstage Backstage #9

Ten years of Changelog 🎉

2019-11-21T16:00:00Z #startups +2 🎧 2,505

On this special re-broadcast of the freeCodeCamp podcast, Quincy Larson (freeCodeCamp’s founder) interviewed Adam and Jerod in the ultimate Backstage episode to celebrate a decade of conversations, news, and community here at Changelog. Yes, this month we turn 10 years old! We go deep into our origin stories, our history as a company, becoming and being a leader, the backstory of our branding, our music from Breakmaster Cylinder, and where we might be heading in the future.

Backstage Backstage #8

To GraphQL or not to GraphQL?

2019-11-12T17:47:01Z #graphql +2 🎧 3,109

Go Time panelist Mat Ryer joins Jerod to talk through the pros and cons of GraphQL vs REST for a future Changelog API. There’s also a fair bit of language chat around Go and JavaScript, a section on Machine Learning, and some inside baseball on where Go Time is heading.

Backstage Backstage #2

Gettin' Plexy wit it

2018-10-12T21:58:01Z 🎧 1,890

Adam, Jerod, and Tim get together to talk about Plex! Plex is a media server which allows you to store your movies, TV shows, music, photos, etc. Turns out, you can actually use it together with an antenna to watch live TV and DVR content. They chat about what has Adam so excited, the pros and cons (or as Adam said, “trade-offs”), and how to get started.

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