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GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
17 episodes
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Backstage Backstage #8

To GraphQL or not to GraphQL?

2019-11-12T17:47:01Z #graphql +2 🎧 3,109

Go Time panelist Mat Ryer joins Jerod to talk through the pros and cons of GraphQL vs REST for a future Changelog API. There’s also a fair bit of language chat around Go and JavaScript, a section on Machine Learning, and some inside baseball on where Go Time is heading.

JS Party JS Party #85

Building PizzaQL at the age of 16

2019-07-26T15:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 8,079

Jerod, Mikeal, and Feross welcome Antoni Kepinski to the show to discuss his open source pizza ordering management web app. We talk about learning programming at a young age, how overwhelming web development can be these days, how Antoni decided which technologies to use, and more. This is a super fun conversation with many insights and takeaways for developers at every stage of their career.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #306

The Great GatsbyJS

2018-07-18T11:00:00Z #gatsby +2 🎧 23,816

From open source project to a $3.8 million dollar seed round to transform Gatsby.js into a full-blown startup that’s building what’s becoming the defacto modern web frontend. In this episode, we talk with Jason Lengstorf about this blazing-fast static site generator, its building blocks and how they all fit together, the future of web development on the JAMstack (JavaScript + APIs), the importance of site performance, site rebuilds, getting started, and how they’re focused on building an awesome product and an awesome community.

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