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Cory LaNou

4 episodes

Go Time Go Time #268

This will blow your docs off

2023-03-10T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 16,643

In a world where most documentation sucks, large language models write better than humans, and people won’t be bothered to type full sentences with actual punctuation.

Two men… against all odds… join an award-worthy podcast… hosted by a coin-operated, singing code monkey (?)… to convince the developer world they’re doing it ALL wrong.

Grab your code-generator and heat up that cold cup of coffee on your desk. Because this episode of Go Time is about to blow your docs off!

Go Time Go Time #94

Structuring your Go apps

2019-08-09T20:00:00Z #go 🎧 18,117

Jon, Mat, Johnny, and special guest Cory LaNou discuss the ins and outs of structuring Go programs. Why is app structure so important? Why is it hard to structure Go apps? What happens if we get it wrong? Why do we confuse folder structures with application design? How should a new Go app be structured?

Go Time Go Time #2

Go Community Discussions

2016-06-02T08:00:00Z #go 🎧 9,207

Cory LaNou is our guest this week. He shared what it was like to start open source development after 13 years of programming behind closed doors, and what it was like to have one of his first contributions (a bug fix) be reviewed by Dave Cheney (a very prominent Go developer).

Cory helps to organize several local meetups and shared the details of his work in the community, as well as some inspiring tips for how to get involved.

We also discussed the need for domain knowledge to understand the code you’re reading, microservices and frameworks in Go, reasoning for breaking down an application, performance, and more.

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