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Erik St. Martin

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76 episodes

Go Time Go Time #245

Inside GopherCon

Play Watch
2022-09-01T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 17,461

Ever wondered how GopherCon came to be, and how it’s put together every year. In this show we will be chatted with Erik St. Martin, who has been there from the start about how GopherCon came to be, how this year’s conference came together, as well as why events like GopherCon as so great!

We are joined by Erik St. Martin, GopherCon Organizer and Co-Author Go in Action.

Go Time Go Time #70

From Russia with love

2018-03-16T20:10:06Z #go 🎧 8,103

Leo Kalneus joined the show and talked with us about GopherCon Russia and the Go community in Russia. We also debunked a few myths about Siberia and of course talked about interesting Go projects and news.

Go Time Go Time #68

SPECIAL — Ask us anything! (pt. 2)

2018-03-01T21:16:10Z #go 🎧 8,643

This is another special “Ask Us Anything” episode where we answer more questions submitted by the community. We covered A LOT of ground, including the hardest things we’ve ever written in Go, how the community can drive adoption, what we’d change about Go, and our favorite: “what do gophers eat?”

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