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Brian Ketelsen

GitHub · X
68 episodes

Go Time Go Time #70

From Russia with love

2018-03-16T20:10:06Z #go 🎧 8,089

Leo Kalneus joined the show and talked with us about GopherCon Russia and the Go community in Russia. We also debunked a few myths about Siberia and of course talked about interesting Go projects and news.

Go Time Go Time #68

SPECIAL — Ask us anything! (pt. 2)

2018-03-01T21:16:10Z #go 🎧 8,633

This is another special “Ask Us Anything” episode where we answer more questions submitted by the community. We covered A LOT of ground, including the hardest things we’ve ever written in Go, how the community can drive adoption, what we’d change about Go, and our favorite: “what do gophers eat?”

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