Carlisia Thompson
Maintainer on the OSS Velero (backup and recovery of Kubernetes clusters)
Gophers Say What!?
We’re celebrating our 200th episode with a crazy game of Gophers Say! Mat Ryer hosts two epic teams including Go Time OGs Carlisia, Erik, and Brian!
When distributed systems Go wrong
Monitoring and debugging distributed systems is hard. In this episode, we catch up with Kelsey Hightower, Stevenson Jean-Pierre, and Carlisia Thompson to get their insights on how to approach these challenges and talk about the tools and practices that make complex distributed systems more observable.
New Go branding strategy
Steve Francia joined the show and told us EVERYTHING about Go’s new branding strategy (and don’t worry, the gopher isn’t going anywhere!)
Hacking drones with Go
Ron Evans joined the show and talked with us about GoCV, Gobot, using Go to control drones, and other interesting projects and news.
Dependencies and the future of Go
Russ Cox joins us this week to talk about how Russ got involved with Go, Vgo, error handling, updates on Go 2.0, more.
Building a distributed index with Go
Matt Jaffee joined the show and talked with us about Pilosa, building distributed index with Go, and other interesting projects and news.
GoLand IDE and managing Gopher Slack
Florin Pățan joined the show and talked with us about GoLand, the pros and cons of using an IDE, his thoughts on the Go community, and managing Gopher Slack.
Gophercises and creating content for Gophers
Jon Calhoun joined the show and talked with us about Gophercises, experiencing the joy of building cool things, creating content for Gophers, and other interesting projects and news.
CockroachDB and distributed databases in Go
Andrei Matei joined the show and talked with us about CockroachDB (and why it’s easier to use than any RDBMS), distributed databases with Go, tracing, and other interesting projects and news.
Learning and teaching Go
Bill Kennedy joined the show and talked with Carlisia about learning Go, teaching Go (which is something we’ll do at some point or another), making good presentations, and other interesting projects and news.
Go is for everyone
Carmen Andoh joined the show and talked with us about inclusivity, the 2017 Go Developer Survey, visualizing abstractions, and other interesting projects and news.
From Russia with love
Leo Kalneus joined the show and talked with us about GopherCon Russia and the Go community in Russia. We also debunked a few myths about Siberia and of course talked about interesting Go projects and news.
Golang Flow, FaaS, and Buffalo
Brian Scott joined the show and talked with us about Golang Flow, contributing to open source, functions as a service, building for the web with Buffalo, and other interesting projects and news.
SPECIAL — Ask us anything! (pt. 2)
This is another special “Ask Us Anything” episode where we answer more questions submitted by the community. We covered A LOT of ground, including the hardest things we’ve ever written in Go, how the community can drive adoption, what we’d change about Go, and our favorite: “what do gophers eat?”
Supporting the Go community
Cassandra Salisbury (the Go core team’s newest member) joined Carlisia (who’s hosting all by herself) to talk about getting to know the Go community around the world, organizing meetups, empowering leaders, and what’s in store for the future.
Performance, fuzzing & magic
Damian Gryski joined the show and talked with us about perfbook, performance profiling, reading white papers for fun, fuzzing, and other interesting projects and news.
GopherCon Brazil & Genetics
Vitor De Mario joined the show and talked with us about hacking genetics with Go, GopherCon Brazil, machine learning, and other interesting projects and news.
InfluxDB & IoT Data
Paul Dix joined the show and talked with us about InfluxDB, building a company with OSS, improving the language, and other interesting projects and news.
Building Blocks
Jeff Lindsay joined the show to talk about workflow automation, designing apis, and building the society we want to live in…plus a surprise special announcement!