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Carlisia Thompson

Maintainer on the OSS Velero (backup and recovery of Kubernetes clusters)

San Diego, CA · GitHub · LinkedIn · X
80 episodes

Go Time Go Time

The funny bits from 2021

Here’s a little bonus episode before we get back to your regularly scheduled Go Time. We’re calling it the funny bits. It’s a compilation of times we cracked up making the show for y’all. If you dig it, holler at Jerod. If you don’t, email Mat Ryer.

Go Time Go Time #72

Learning and teaching Go

2018-03-22T10:39:17Z #go 🎧 11,876

Bill Kennedy joined the show and talked with Carlisia about learning Go, teaching Go (which is something we’ll do at some point or another), making good presentations, and other interesting projects and news.

Go Time Go Time #70

From Russia with love

2018-03-16T20:10:06Z #go 🎧 8,103

Leo Kalneus joined the show and talked with us about GopherCon Russia and the Go community in Russia. We also debunked a few myths about Siberia and of course talked about interesting Go projects and news.

Go Time Go Time #68

SPECIAL — Ask us anything! (pt. 2)

2018-03-01T21:16:10Z #go 🎧 8,643

This is another special “Ask Us Anything” episode where we answer more questions submitted by the community. We covered A LOT of ground, including the hardest things we’ve ever written in Go, how the community can drive adoption, what we’d change about Go, and our favorite: “what do gophers eat?”

Go Time Go Time #67

Supporting the Go community

2018-02-23T17:07:33Z #go 🎧 8,111

Cassandra Salisbury (the Go core team’s newest member) joined Carlisia (who’s hosting all by herself) to talk about getting to know the Go community around the world, organizing meetups, empowering leaders, and what’s in store for the future.

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