Command line interface Icon

Command line interface

A CLI, or command-line interface, is a console that helps users issue commands to a program.
5 episodes
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Go Time Go Time #337

Crawl, walk & run your way to usable CLIs in Go

2024-11-12T21:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 15,882

With the number of libraries available to Go developers these days, you’d think building a CLI app was now a trivial matter. But like many things in software development, it depends. In this episode, we explore the challenges that arose during one team’s journey towards a production-ready CLI.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #547

Efficient Linux at the CLI

2023-07-06T13:00:00Z #linux +1 🎧 30,831

This week we’re talking to Daniel J. Barrett, author of Efficient Linux at the Command Line as well as many other books. Daniel has a PhD and has been teaching and writing about Linux for more than 30 years (almost 40!). So we invited Dan to join us on the show to talk about efficient ways to use Linux. He teaches us about combining commands, re-running commands, $CDPATH hacks, and more.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #451

Modern Unix tools

2021-07-31T01:00:00Z #cli +2 🎧 45,711

This week we’re talking with Nick Janetakis about modern unix tools, and the various commands, tooling, and ways we use the commmand line. Do you Bash or Zsh? Do you use cat or bat? What about man vs tldr? Today’s show is a deep dive into unix tools you know and love, or should know and maybe love.

Go Time Go Time #153

GitHub's Go-powered CLI

2020-10-29T16:15:00Z #go +2 🎧 16,886

In this episode we discuss Mislav’s experience building not one, but two Github CLIs - hub and gh. We dive into questions like, “What lead to the decision to completely rewrite the CLI in Go?”, “How were you testing the CLI, especially during the transition?”, and “What Go libraries are you using to build your CLI?”

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #406

Making Windows Terminal awesome

2020-07-31T21:00:00Z #microsoft +1 🎧 26,376

Kayla Cinnamon, Program Manager at Microsoft for Windows Terminal, Console, Command Line, and Cascadia Code joined us to talk about the release of Windows Terminal 1.0 and the new Windows command-line experience. We talk about everything that went into rethinking the command line experience on Windows, the UX and UI design behind it all, the learnings of working in open source, and what’s to come for the Windows command line experience.

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