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React is an open source JavaScript library used for designing user interfaces.
46 episodes
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JS Party JS Party #75

LIVE at ReactJS Girls

2019-05-14T11:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 7,591

Emma Wedekind MC’d a live show at ReactJS Girls with a panel of 3 amazing women — Eve Porcello, Marcy Sutton, and Kate Beard. It was a great discussion covering the biggest challenges they’ve faced, how no matter who you are imposter syndrome occurs and never really goes away, ways to support and encourage under-represented groups and people to get into tech, and how to choose a topic when writing a talk.

JS Party JS Party #43

Interviews from JSConf

2018-09-14T17:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 6,231

KBall interviews with Michael Chan, Juan Pablo Buriticá and Julián David Duque, and Tim Doherty at JSConf.US. Conversations about the importance of DRY code, the metaphors we use for software, JavaScript communities across Latin America, how to advocate for modern tech stacks in large companies, and fostering mentorship.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #306

The Great GatsbyJS

2018-07-18T11:00:00Z #gatsby +2 🎧 23,493

From open source project to a $3.8 million dollar seed round to transform Gatsby.js into a full-blown startup that’s building what’s becoming the defacto modern web frontend. In this episode, we talk with Jason Lengstorf about this blazing-fast static site generator, its building blocks and how they all fit together, the future of web development on the JAMstack (JavaScript + APIs), the importance of site performance, site rebuilds, getting started, and how they’re focused on building an awesome product and an awesome community.

The React Podcast The React Podcast #9

Emotion with Kye Hohenberger

2018-05-15T11:00:00Z #react +1 🎧 6,890

Kye Hohenberger is the author of the Emotion JavaScript library, a popular choice among React developers who prefer using CSS-in-JS to traditional CSS stylesheets. In this episode we discuss his work on Emotion including where he got the initial inspiration for the project and his motivation for creating it. We also discuss the future of the project and what may be in store for the future of CSS-in-JS.

The React Podcast The React Podcast #3

The Future of React with Dan Abramov

2018-02-28T20:00:00Z #react +1 🎧 4,928

In this episode Michael Jackson talks with Dan Abramov, author of Redux and create-react-app, about the responsibility that comes with being an influential voice for React, how future versions of React will leverage requestIdleCallback to schedule work, and the possibility of a future API for React that makes it easier to do async work.

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