Changelog & Friends

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Changelog & Friends is like putting the hallway track at your favorite tech conference on repeat

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Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #76

Other people's robots

2025-01-17T20:30:00Z 🎧 17,711

Jerod & Adam discuss Nvidia’s recently announced personal AI supercomputer, Waymo’s latest infinite loop, what’s involved in getting a “modern” terminal setup, and whether or not AI has gone mainstream… warts & all!

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #72

ShopTalk & Friends

2024-12-06T22:30:00Z #culture 🎧 20,313

Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert join Adam and Jerod for a ShopTalk & Friends conversation on the viability of the web, making content, ads to support that content, Codepen’s future plans, books, side quests, and social networks devaluing links.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #64

Developer (un)happiness

2024-10-04T19:00:00Z #culture 🎧 24,437

Abi Noda, co-founder and CEO at DX, joins the show to talk through data shared from the Stack Overflow 2024 Developer Survey, why devs are really unhappy, and what they’re doing at DX to help orgs and teams to understand the metrics behind their developer’s happiness and productivity.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #55

From Chef to System Initiative

2024-08-03T14:00:00Z #oss +2 🎧 33,520

Adam Jacob goes solo with Adam for an epic pod into his journey to get to System Initiative. From SysAdmin at 8 years old, to discovering Linux and working for Mom-and-pop ISPs, to open source changing his life and starting Opscode and building Chef. Buckle up. This is a different flavor of “Friends” for you. Enjoy.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #52

Last DevRel standing

2024-07-12T21:00:00Z #career +1
🎧 17,553

Shawn “swyx” Wang is back to talk with us about the state of DevRel according to ZIRP (the Zero Interest Rate Phenomenon), the data that backs up the rise and fall of job openings, whether or not DevRel is dead or dying, speculation of the near-term arrival of AGI, AI Engineering as the last job standing, the innovation from Cognition with Devin as well as their mis-steps during Devin’s launch, and what’s to come in the next innovation round of AI.

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