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Kevin Ball

145 episodes

JS Party JS Party #117

Catching up with Gatsby

2020-03-06T17:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 11,028

Dustin Schau joins the party to talk about the state of Gatsby and the changes and improvements to it in the last year. We talk about what Gatsby delivers to the front end and how it does it quickly with improvements to the build system. Dustin also fields our questions and talks about Gatsby Cloud and where things are going.

JS Party JS Party

This is JS Party!

We are a party-themed podcast, so FUN is at the heart of every episode. One way we keep things fun is by mixing it up and trying new things.

We play games like JS Jeopardy… (clip from episode #112)

debate hot topics like should websites work without JS… (clip from episode #87)

discuss and analyze the news… (clip from episode #94)

share wisdom we’ve collected over the years… (clip from episode #106)

interview amazing devs like John Resig and Amelia Wattenberger… and a whole lot more.

Oh, and did I mention we record the show live? You can be part of the hijinx each and every Thursday at

This is JS Party! Please listen to a recent episode that piques your interest and subscribe today. We’d love to have you with us.

JS Party JS Party #115

All the stale things

2020-02-21T20:30:00Z #javascript 🎧 9,971

Divya leads a deep discussion with Jerod, KBall, and Nick on what’s stagnating in browsers. What has remained the same in browser tech over the last 20 years that remains a pain point in working with browsers? For example - Focus in browsers hasn’t changed much in 20 years. Why is that and how do we go about making all the stale things in browser tech better?

JS Party JS Party #111

Lesser known things browsers can do in 2020

2020-01-24T16:15:11Z #javascript +1 🎧 10,737

Did you know you can make a device vibrate via a webpage? Neither did we until we popped open Luigi De Rosa’s super cool repo that collects many of the lesser known things browsers can do in 2020.

On this episode we hang out on his list and discuss which APIs were surprises to us, which we think are the most useful, which we wish would die in a fire (sorta), and what you might get if you mash up a few of these APIs.

JS Party JS Party #103

You're probably using streams

2019-11-22T16:36:05Z #node +2 🎧 9,476

This week we chat with Matteo Collina, Technical Director at NearForm and member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, about his upcoming Node+JS Interactive talk on Node Streams. We talk about their creation before any standards and how they are one of the bedrock APIs used throughout the Node ecosystem. We also talk about WHATWG streams and some of their key differences, and how streams have gotten easier to work with thanks to the addition of async iterators and generators to the language.

JS Party JS Party #100

11 awesome lightning chats ⚡️

What you’re about to hear is a series of lightning chats recorded live from All Things Open 2019. How’s this for topic diversity? 👇

A/B testing, finding your tribe, dancing, TikTok, what is happening with front-ends becoming full-stacks, Code the Dream, OSI approved licenses, breaking in to tech, a11y, hiring juniors, whiteboard interviews, better interview practices, JPGs, coding bootcamps, tech re-entry programs, and more.

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