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Marcel van Lohuizen

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3 episodes

Go Time Go Time #163

CUE: Configuration superpowers for everyone

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2021-01-21T19:30:00Z #go 🎧 15,235

On this episode we learn how to Configure, Unify, and Execute things. What’s CUE all about? Well, it’s an open source language with a rich set of APIs and tooling for defining, generating, and validating all kinds of data: configuration, APIs, database schemas, code, … you name it.

Now that we’ve copy/pasted the project’s description… let’s dig in and learn how we can use CUE to make our Go programs better!

Go Time Go Time #91

if err != nil

2019-07-11T10:55:00Z #go +1 🎧 17,267

Mat and Carmen along with guest panelists Dave Cheney, Peter Bourgon, and Marcel van Lohuizen discuss errors in Go, including the new try proposal. Many questions get answered…What do we think about how errors work in Go? How is it different from other languages/approaches? What do/don’t we like? What don’t we like? How do we handle errors these days? What’s going on with the try proposal?

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