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Daniel Martí

9 episodes

Go Time Go Time

The funny bits from 2021

Here’s a little bonus episode before we get back to your regularly scheduled Go Time. We’re calling it the funny bits. It’s a compilation of times we cracked up making the show for y’all. If you dig it, holler at Jerod. If you don’t, email Mat Ryer.

Go Time Go Time #198

The little known team that keeps Go going

Play Watch
2021-09-23T20:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,998

Ever wonder how new features get added to the go command? Or where tools like gopls come from? Well, there’s an open team that handles just those things.

Just like the programming language itself, many of the tools that Go engineers use everyday are discussed and developed in the open. In this episode we’ll talk about this team, how it started, where it’s going, and how you can get involved.

Go Time Go Time #155

What would you remove from Go?

2020-11-12T16:20:00Z #go 🎧 15,069

When we talk about improving a programming language, we often think about what features we would add. Things like generics in Go, async/away in JS, etc. In this episode we take a different approach and talk about what we would remove from Go to make it better.

Go Time Go Time #146

Hits of the Summer

This episode is different than what you’re used to. We’ve been clipping highlights of the show for awhile now to share on Twitter and YouTube. A side effect of that effort is a bunch of awesome clips just sitting on Jerod’s hard drive collecting digital dust. So, here’s a beta test of a “best of” style clips show covering the summer months. Let us know if you like it!

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