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Natalie Pistunovich

68 episodes

Go Time Go Time #290

Prototyping with Go

2023-09-07T13:45:00Z #go 🎧 17,124

V Körbes returns to talk prototyping with Natalie, Johnny & Kris. Is Go good for prototyping? What makes a language prototypable, anyway? How does space radiation fit in to all this? Tune in and ride along to find out!

Go Time Go Time #282

K8s vs serverless for distributed systems

2023-06-29T21:20:00Z #go +2 🎧 17,379

Listener Joe Davidson recently tweeted: “I’d really be interested in an episode debating Kubernetes vs serverless functions for distributed systems. As someone working a lot with serverless to create large scale systems, for me the complexity in Kubernetes doesn’t seem worth it, especially when onboarding new people. But I’d like to see it from the other perspectives. I could be missing something.”

So we invited Joe on the show alongside Abdel Sghiouar and Srdjan Petrovic to discuss!

Go Time Go Time #274

Diversity at conferences

2023-04-27T16:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,839

Go conferences are not as diverse as we’d like them to be. There are initiatives in place to improve this situation. Among other roles, Ronna Steinberg is the Head of Diversity at GopherCon Europe. In this episode we’ll learn more about the goal, the process and the problems, and how can each one of us help make this better.

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