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Carolyn Van Slyck

Carolyn is a software developer based in the wilds of suburban Chicago. Her passion is developer tools, and automating all the things with a sidecar of containers.

After discovering her “inner gopher”, carolyn is now a maintainer for the upcoming Go dependency manager. She recently founded the Chicago chapter of Women Who Go to share her love of Go, containers, and excessive emoji with her peers. 💖

Chicago, IL · Website · GitHub · X
4 episodes

Go Time Go Time

The funny bits from 2021

Here’s a little bonus episode before we get back to your regularly scheduled Go Time. We’re calling it the funny bits. It’s a compilation of times we cracked up making the show for y’all. If you dig it, holler at Jerod. If you don’t, email Mat Ryer.

Go Time Go Time #184

All about Porter

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2021-06-17T16:00:00Z #go +3 🎧 17,692

Porter lets you package your application artifacts, client tools, configuration and deployment logic together as a versioned bundle that you can distribute, and then install with a single command. Written entirely in Go, we speak to one of the creators about running an open source project, the importance of documentation, and more.

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