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Nick Nisi

Omaha, NE · Twitter · GitHub · Website
164 episodes

JS Party JS Party #155

The Tailwind beneath my wings

2020-12-11T17:00:00Z #css +2 🎧 12,305

Tailwind CSS creator Adam Wathan joins Jerod, Nick, & Feross for an in-depth discussion of his trending utility-first CSS framework. We cover why everyone complains about CSS, how Tailwind began and how it gained popularity, how developers use with Tailwind and integrate it into their workflows, and how Adam has managed to build a business around the project. Thanks, Bette Midler!

JS Party JS Party #147

Frontend Feud

Our much anticipated Family Feud rip-off inspired game show is finally here! Emma was joined by Nick and special guest Abenezer Abebe to form the Hypertext Assassins. KBall captained (despite never seeing Family Feud before) the DSL Destroyers with Mikeal and special guest Ali Spittel.

Holler if you want MOAR Feud and check the outro for a chance to win some JS Party swag.

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