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JS Party JS Party #130

Betting on Svelte for

2020-06-12T16:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 10,975

We often try new frameworks and tools in side projects or throwaway contexts, but you don’t learn that much about a thing until you use it to build something real. That’s why we have Mat Ryer and David Hernandez joining us to share their experience of using Svelte while building their new startup,

JS Party JS Party #127

A visit to Deno Land

2020-05-15T15:00:00Z #deno +2 🎧 12,415

Divya and Nick welcome Deno’s Kit Kelly to the show to celebrate the highly-anticipated new JavaScript/TypeScript runtime’s big 1.0 release.

This is a wide-ranging discussion about all things Deno. We discuss why they’re using Rust, how they’re rewriting parts of the TypeScript compiler, their take on package management, what adoption looks like, their code of conduct, and more.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #393

Gatsby's long road to incremental builds

2020-05-06T11:00:00Z #gatsby +2 🎧 23,342

Gatsby creator Kyle Mathews joins Jerod fresh off the launch of incremental builds to tell the story of this feature that’s 3 years in the making. We talk about Kyle’s vision for Gatsby, why incremental builds took so long, why it’s not part of the open source tool, how he makes decisions between Cloud and open source features, and more.

JS Party JS Party #120


2020-03-27T15:15:00Z #javascript +3 🎧 9,670

With most of us working from home for the first time (or for a long time), we thought it’d be a good idea to share our experiences and opinions on how to manage it. We discuss how to optimize your location, your schedule, your communications, and the rest of you life during these stressful times.

Spiderman Nick Nisi

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #385

Pushing webpack forward

2020-03-13T21:45:00Z #maintainer-spotlight +3 🎧 23,769

We sit down with Tobias Koppers of webpack fame to talk about his life as a full-time maintainer of one of the most highly used (4 million+ dependent repos!) and influential tools in all of the web.

Things we ask Tobias include: how he got here, how he pays himself, has he ever gotten a raise, what his typical day is like, how he decides what to work on, if he pays attention to the competition, and if he’s ever suffered from burnout.

JS Party JS Party #117

Catching up with Gatsby

2020-03-06T17:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 11,290

Dustin Schau joins the party to talk about the state of Gatsby and the changes and improvements to it in the last year. We talk about what Gatsby delivers to the front end and how it does it quickly with improvements to the build system. Dustin also fields our questions and talks about Gatsby Cloud and where things are going.

JS Party JS Party #115

All the stale things

2020-02-21T20:30:00Z #javascript 🎧 10,196

Divya leads a deep discussion with Jerod, KBall, and Nick on what’s stagnating in browsers. What has remained the same in browser tech over the last 20 years that remains a pain point in working with browsers? For example - Focus in browsers hasn’t changed much in 20 years. Why is that and how do we go about making all the stale things in browser tech better?

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #381

The dawn of sponsorware

Caleb Porzio is the creator & maintainer of Livewire, AlpineJS, and more. His latest open source endeavor was announced as “sponsorware”, which means it lived in a private repo (only available to Caleb’s GitHub Sponsors) until he hit a set sponsorship threshold, at which point it was open sourced.

On this episode, we talk through this sponsorware experiment in-depth. We learn how he dreamt it up, how it went (spoiler: very well), and how he had to change his mindset on 2 things in order to make sustainability possible.

JS Party JS Party #113

Fullstack D3

2020-02-07T19:45:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 10,961

The State of JS 2019 survey left many in awe of the beautifully rendered line graph created by Amelia Wattenberger. So we’ve brought her on JS Party to discuss how she built it!

We’ll chat about all things D3, a JavaScript library for creating data visualizations, and even learn a bit about the CSS cascade.

JS Party JS Party #111

Lesser known things browsers can do in 2020

2020-01-24T16:15:11Z #javascript +1 🎧 10,952

Did you know you can make a device vibrate via a webpage? Neither did we until we popped open Luigi De Rosa’s super cool repo that collects many of the lesser known things browsers can do in 2020.

On this episode we hang out on his list and discuss which APIs were surprises to us, which we think are the most useful, which we wish would die in a fire (sorta), and what you might get if you mash up a few of these APIs.

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