JS Party

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Welcome to JS Party, a weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web

JS Party JS Party #257

New Year's Party 🪩

2023-01-06T17:40:00Z #javascript 🎧 16,313

It’s our 4th annual New Year’s party! Jerod & the gang review our (failed) resolutions from last year, discuss what’s trending in the web world, make a few predictions of our own & even set some new (probably failed) resolutions for this year.

JS Party JS Party #256

Big news in Deno Land

2022-12-16T18:30:00Z #deno +2 🎧 20,374

Deno creator Ryan Dahl goes one-on-one with Jerod to discuss their new npm support, why he’s so excited about JavaScript containers, Deno Deploy’s present & future, what he thinks about alternative runtimes like Bun, WinterCG, how Wasm fits into the story & more!

JS Party JS Party #253

All about Playwright

2022-11-25T18:15:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 18,176

Debbie O’Brien –Senior Program Manager at Microsoft– joins Amal & Nick for a deep-dive on Playwright, an automation library for cross-browser end-to-end testing. Along the way, we learn why Microsoft decided to fork Puppeteer, Playwright’s unique value proposition, cool features like auto-waiting & the trace viewer, how it compares to Cypress & a lot more.

JS Party JS Party #252

Gremlins in the water

2022-11-18T18:30:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 15,867

KBall and Boneskull dive deep with Paloma Oliveira on the cultural and social consequences of open source software, explore her background in arts and government-supported open source, and discuss practical approaches to change the culture of open source towards more sustainability.

JS Party JS Party #250

Making sense of production

2022-11-04T19:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 17,220

Maggie Johnson-Pint from Stanza sits down with Amal & Divya for a deep-dive in to the production side of the development world. If you’re at all curious (and/or intimidated) by terms like Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Service Level Objective (SLO), OpenTelemetry, distributed tracing, and the like… this episode’s for you!

JS Party JS Party #245

Launching Platformatic DB 🚀

2022-09-30T18:20:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 17,069

Patformatic co-founders Matteo Collina & Luca Maraschi join Amal & Chris to discuss their just-announced (and we mean just announced) open source database tool: Platformatic DB!

It’s a daemon that can turn any PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, or SQLite database into a REST and GraphQL endpoint. What makes it special is that it allows massive customization thanks to the flexibility of Fastify plugins.

JS Party JS Party #244

The spicy React debate show 🌶️

2022-09-23T18:30:00Z #react +2 🎧 20,240

We’re back with another spicy YepNope debate! This time, Amelia and KBall are arguing that there’s real value to (continue) using React in 2022, while Amal and special guest (and author of the post which stemmed the whole debate) Josh Collinsworth argue that React’s time leading innovation has passed. Of course, the stance each panelist is taking is assigned ahead of time. Is that how they really feel? Tune in and find out!

JS Party JS Party #240

Bringing the vibe

2022-08-27T21:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 16,451

Tejas Kumar joins Jerod & KBall for a wide-ranging convo about React Suspense, human skills, and the four pillars of impact for web engineers. We also discuss the news in “Story of the Week” and give a few quick shout outs to a must-read book and a great new publishing platform for lead devs.

Join Tejas at React Brussels on October 14, 2022! Get 30% off your ticket when you use code JSPARTYTIME at checkout and follow @JSPartyFM on Twitter for giveaway details.

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