JS Party

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Welcome to JS Party, a weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web

JS Party JS Party #347

Nine pillars of great Node apps

2024-11-21T19:00:00Z #node +1 🎧 14,512

Recently, four pillars of the JavaScript community (James Snell, Natalia Venditto, Michael Dawson & Matteo Collina) teamed up to create a resource that lays out nine principles for doing Node.js right in enterprise environments. On this episode, Natalia & Matteo join Jerod to discuss all nine.

JS Party JS Party #345

How Vercel thinks about Next.js

2024-11-07T20:30:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 14,045

Vercel CPO, Tom Occhino, joins Jerod for a one-on-one covering React & Next’s past, present & future. We discuss the birth of React, Tom’s move to Vercel, deploying Next apps to non-Vercel hosts, React as the next jQuery, the viability of Web Components, Vercel customers getting surprise bills & so much more.

JS Party JS Party #316

Advocating for the future of the open web

2024-03-14T21:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 13,136

Alex & James Moore, founding members of the Open Web Advocacy (OWA), join Amal to talk about the critical work the OWA has been doing to ensure users have browser choice and that web apps can be first-class citizens on mobile devices. We learn about how an ad-hoc group of software engineers worked with regulators, legislators & policymakers to help drive some of the most impactful legislation curbing anti-competitive behaviors on the web for tech giants such as Apple, Google & Microsoft via the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA).

Tune in for this deeply important & timely discussion as we also unpack recent events with Apple and their DMA (un)compliance, and how the OWA helped successfully organize thousands of web developers from around the world to hold ground for a free & open web.

JS Party JS Party #311

React Server Components 🧐

2024-02-08T22:00:00Z #react +1 🎧 14,990

The week Amal & guest co-host Eric Clemmons talk to Dan Abramov all about React Server Components. We learn about why they were created, what problems they solve & how they work to improve application performance. We also dive into the rollout and current support status, the origin story, the community response & walk through the 10+ years of React history which have forever shifted the world of web development.

JS Party JS Party #302

What's new in CSS land

2023-11-24T18:30:00Z #css +1 🎧 14,834

Una Kravets, web platform ambassador & lead of the Google Chrome UI Developer Relations Team, joins Amal & Nick to take them CSS to school as they start this podcast in CSS kindergarten and end it with a Level-Up CSS Diploma. (LUCD?)

We explore all the amazing features which have recently landed in CSS — enabling super-charged user experiences with no JavaScript. Don’t forgot to check out all the epic links & demos in the show notes — and hold on to your butts, kids, this one is a ride!

JS Party JS Party #295

Reflecting on Bun's big launch

2023-10-05T21:00:00Z #javascript 🎧 16,204

Fresh off Bun’s big 1.0 launch, Jarred Sumner goes one-on-one with Jerod to discuss the all-in-one JavaScript runtime that’s captured the interest of many. We get into it all: what problem he’s solving, how it’s so fast, why no Windows support, answering the critics, the (not real) beef between Bun and Node, how the VC-backed startup will sustain & more.

JS Party JS Party #294

Reports of Node's death are greatly exaggerated

2023-09-28T21:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 16,338

Amal, KBall & Chris convene a “semi-emergency” pod to discuss the recent (deserved) hype over Bun and what it all means for Node’s community, maintainers & users.

They’re joined by Node Technical Steering Committee members Matteo Collina & James Snell who are here to dispel Bun antagonism rumors, discuss the pros & cons of each runtime, explain how Node continues to thrive & even announce a VERY big upcoming feature!

JS Party JS Party #292

Type War (what is it good for?)

2023-09-14T17:00:00Z #typescript +2 🎧 17,815

Love it or hate it, TypeScript is here to stay for the foreseeable future. But, what happens when widely adopted packages go completely Type free or remove TypeScript in favor of JS with type annotations? Join us to unpack these recent events with Rich Harris, creator of Svelte, as he walks us through the nuanced decision his team made for the Svelte project, and ofc, lots of laughs along the way.

JS Party JS Party #267

The future of React

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2023-03-17T16:00:00Z #react +1 🎧 23,397

Dan Abramov & Joe Savona from the React Team join Jerod & Nick for a wide-ranging discussion about React’s place in the frontend ecosystem. We cover everything from React competing with React, their responses to SPA fatigue and recent criticisms, to Server Components and the future of the framework.

JS Party JS Party #244

The spicy React debate show 🌶️

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2022-09-23T18:30:00Z #react +2 🎧 20,255

We’re back with another spicy YepNope debate! This time, Amelia and KBall are arguing that there’s real value to (continue) using React in 2022, while Amal and special guest (and author of the post which stemmed the whole debate) Josh Collinsworth argue that React’s time leading innovation has passed. Of course, the stance each panelist is taking is assigned ahead of time. Is that how they really feel? Tune in and find out!

JS Party JS Party #222

The Type Annotations proposal

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2022-04-22T16:10:00Z #typescript +1 🎧 18,497

Daniel Rosenwasser and Ryan Cavanaugh from the TypeScript team at Microsoft join Nick and Boneskull to catch us up on the latest happening with the TypeScript project, including what’s exciting in the new 4.7 beta release. Then, we dive deep into the new, TC-39 stage 1 Type Annotations proposal, what it is, and what it means for the future of a not really typed JavaScript!

JS Party JS Party #212

A deep-dive on Vite

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2022-02-11T17:00:00Z #vue +1 🎧 23,015

Amal and Nick load up on coffee for a not-so-vite (lame joke!) conversation with Evan You all about Vite – a batteries included next-generation frontend tooling library. Vite continues to push the ecosystem forward with even stronger defaults, super speedy local development workflows, and a highly extensible universal plugin API. Need we say more?!

JS Party JS Party #200

Best of the fest! Volume 1

JS Party listeners and panelists celebrate our favorite moments from the past 100 episodes! You’ll hear from over 20 of your favorite voices across 14 episodes. We also share some behind-the-scenes and read/hear from listeners! Here’s to the last 200 episodes, and the next 200 as well. 🥂

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