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Kat Zień

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4 episodes

Go Time Go Time

The funny bits from 2021

Here’s a little bonus episode before we get back to your regularly scheduled Go Time. We’re calling it the funny bits. It’s a compilation of times we cracked up making the show for y’all. If you dig it, holler at Jerod. If you don’t, email Mat Ryer.

Go Time Go Time #161

Go Panic!

2021-01-07T22:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,571

Mat Ryer hosts our don’t-call-it-jeopardy game show live at GopherCon! Kat Zień, Mark Bates, and L Körbes put their Go knowledge to the test! Can you outwit our intrepid contestants?

Go Time Go Time #97

LIVE from Gophercon UK

2019-09-04T15:00:00Z #go 🎧 11,233

LIVE from LondonGophers as part of GopherCon UK! Mat Ryer, and Mark Bates were joined by Liz Rice, Kat Zień, Gautam Rege to talk about the magic in Go’s standard library. Huge thanks to the organizers of LondonGophers and GopherCon UK for making this possible.

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