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Beliefs, behavioral patterns, thoughts, and institutions of the developer community.
138 episodes
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Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #572

Dear new developer

2024-01-04T13:00:00Z #culture +1 🎧 21,448

Hello 2024! We’re kicking off the year with Dan Moore, author of ‘Letters to a New Developer’ — a blog series of letters of what Dan wished he had known when starting his developer career. We discuss the value of online communities for new developers, the importance of communication skills, and the need to stay relevant in a rapidly changing industry. Dan shares his best advice for new developers, including the importance of saying no, leaving code better than you found it, and the value of skill stacking. So much wisdom and advice in this episode!

Practical AI Practical AI #245

AI trailblazers putting people first

2023-11-14T17:45:00Z #ai +2 🎧 25,142

According to Solana Larsen: “Too often, it feels like we have lost control of the internet to the interests of Big Tech, Big Data — and now Big AI.” In the latest season of Mozilla’s IRL podcast (edited by Solana), a number of stories are featured to highlight the trailblazers who are reclaiming power over AI to put people first. We discuss some of those stories along with the issues that they surface.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #565

Pushing back on unconstrained capitalism

2023-11-10T22:00:00Z #culture 🎧 21,342

This week we’re talking with Cory Doctorow (this episode contains explicit language) about how we can get back to that “new good internet.” Cory’s new book The Internet Con offers a lens to this conversation about disenshittifying the internet through anti-trust laws, limits on corporate tweaking, regulating unconstrained capitalism, and all the ways enshittification is enabled. Cory also shares his experience recording his own audio book under the direction of Gabrielle de Cuir at Skyboat Media, and what’s to come from his next Science Fiction book The Lost Cause.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews

Next Level

2023-10-23T19:30:00Z #music +2 🎧 20,803

Listen to our Next Level album as a podcast! We grew up in the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Genesis. It’s no surprise that so many of our tracks are inspired by the 8-bit and 16-bit music of our youth. From Castlevania to Contra, Sonic the Hedgehog, and many more — we were inspired by all the nostalgic soundtracks from the games that got us here, to give our pods one-of-a-kind vibes. If you’ve been head nodding to our beats during our shows and you’ve been wishing for a way to listen outside of our pods, then this release will be an absolute delight.

It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this on your next coding adventure or deep work session

JS Party JS Party #292

Type War (what is it good for?)

2023-09-14T17:00:00Z #typescript +2 🎧 17,347

Love it or hate it, TypeScript is here to stay for the foreseeable future. But, what happens when widely adopted packages go completely Type free or remove TypeScript in favor of JS with type annotations? Join us to unpack these recent events with Rich Harris, creator of Svelte, as he walks us through the nuanced decision his team made for the Svelte project, and ofc, lots of laughs along the way.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #13

Doomed to discuss AI

2023-09-08T19:15:00Z #ai +1 🎧 23,865

Author, journalist, travel writer & software engineer Jon Evans joins us to weigh in on the cultural history (and present-day sentiment) of AI doom. Along the way, we talk plausible Sci-Fi, ultrasound drug delivery, the maybe-evolving laws of physics & even weirder stuff.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #535

Examining capitalism's chokepoints

2023-04-14T17:00:00Z #culture 🎧 31,661

This week we’re talking with Cory Doctorow (this episode contains explicit language) about his newest book Chokepoint Capitalism, which he co-autored with Rebecca Giblin. Chokepoint Capitalism is about how big tech and big content have captured creative labor markets and the ways we can win them back. We talk about chokepoints creating chickenized reverse-centaurs, paying for your robot boss (think Uber, Doordash, Amazon Drivers), the chickenization that’s climbing the priviledge gradient from the most blue collar workers to the middle-class. There are chokepoints in open source, AI generative art, interoperability, music, film, and media. To quote Cory, “We’re all fighting the same fight.”

Practical AI Practical AI #218

Computer scientists as rogue art historians

2023-04-12T13:30:00Z #ai +2 🎧 25,432

What can art historians and computer scientists learn from one another? Actually, a lot! Amanda Wasielewski joins us to talk about how she discovered that computer scientists working on computer vision were actually acting like rogue art historians and how art historians have found machine learning to be a valuable tool for research, fraud detection, and cataloguing. We also discuss the rise of generative AI and how we this technology might cause us to ask new questions like: “What makes a photograph a photograph?”

Brain Science Brain Science #34

Develop a high-performance mindset

2023-03-24T17:00:00Z #brain-science +2 🎧 39,266

In this episode Adam and Mireille discuss what it takes to develop a high performance mindset. Your mindset is the mental framework that influences your actions, your decisions, and your overall approach to life. Discover how to nurture a growth-oriented and positive mindset, fostering resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to self-improvement. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to optimize their mental framework and cultivate a growth-oriented mindset to achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

Brain Science Brain Science #33

Your brain on burnout

2022-12-20T21:00:00Z #brain-science +1 🎧 29,735

We’re back! This is from our “lost episodes” — This is your brain
and this is your brain on burnout, any questions? OK, but seriously, burnout effects everyone, even if they/you don’t admit it. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. It can affect ANYONE, but it is especially common among high-performers who push themselves to the limit. In this episode, we dive into the latest research on burnout and its effects on the brain, as well as offer practical advice for preventing and managing burnout. If you’re heading into 2023 feeling overwhelmed and drained, this episode is for you.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #518

Coming home to GitHub

2022-12-09T22:30:00Z #github +2 🎧 32,894

This week we’re joined by Christina Warren, Senior Developer Advocate at GitHub, and a true tech and pop culture connoisseur. From her days at Mashable covering the intersections of entertainment and technology, to Gizmodo, to Microsoft, and now her current role at GitHub we talk with Christina about her journey from journalist to developer, and the latest happenings coming out of GitHub Universe.

BTW, we’re planning to get Christina on Backstage in the new year to talk about Plex, MakeMKV, and all things that go into hosting your own media server. Drop a commment on this episode with a +1 if you want to see that happen.

Practical AI Practical AI #187

AI IRL & Mozilla's Internet Health Report

2022-08-02T20:30:00Z #ai +3 🎧 18,304

Every year Mozilla releases an Internet Health Report that combines research and stories exploring what it means for the internet to be healthy. This year’s report is focused on AI. In this episode, Solana and Bridget from Mozilla join us to discuss the power dynamics of AI and the current state of AI worldwide. They highlight concerning trends in the application of this transformational technology along with positive signs of change.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #483

ONE MORE thing every dev should know

2022-03-11T21:00:00Z #culture +2 🎧 58,566

The incomparable Jessica Kerr is back with another grab-bag of amazing topics. We talk about her journey to Honeycomb, devs getting satisfaction from the code they write, why step one for her is “get that new project into production” and step two is observe it, her angst for the context switching around pull requests, some awesome book recommendations, how game theory and design can translate to how we skill up and level up our teams, and so much more.

Practical AI Practical AI #170

Creating a culture of innovation

2022-03-08T19:35:00Z #ai +2 🎧 22,640

Daniel and Chris talk with Lukas Egger, Head of Innovation Office and Strategic Projects at SAP Business Process Intelligence. Lukas describes what it takes to bring a culture of innovation into an organization, and how to infuse product development with that innovation culture. He also offers suggestions for how to mitigate challenges and blockers.

Go Time Go Time

The funny bits from 2021

Here’s a little bonus episode before we get back to your regularly scheduled Go Time. We’re calling it the funny bits. It’s a compilation of times we cracked up making the show for y’all. If you dig it, holler at Jerod. If you don’t, email Mat Ryer.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #471

Deeply human stories

2021-12-08T18:45:00Z #oss +1 🎧 42,497

Today we’re bringing our appearance on DevDiscuss right here to The Changelog. Jerod and I guested their launch episode for Season 7 to talk about deeply human stories we’ve covered over the years on this podcast. For long-time listners this will be a trip down memory lane and for recent subscibers this will be a guided tour on some of our most impactful episodes. Special thanks to Ben Halpern and Christina Gorton for hosting us. Check out their show at

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