Unpop roundup! 2023
Go Time producer, Jerod Santo, ranks & reviews the most (un)popular opinions of 2023.
Andy Walker is a Go GDE, organizer of the GopherCon Guide Program, and co-organizer of Baltimore Go. He is a programmer in security research at CrowdStrike. He enjoys hardware, 3D printing, and talking way too much about philosophy.
Go Time producer, Jerod Santo, ranks & reviews the most (un)popular opinions of 2023.
Today we’re talking with Alice Merrick & Andy Walker about building a world-class developer experience. You know it when you see it, things just feel right. But it’s more than just a pleasant UI or lipstick on a pig (which is a saying), it really matters.
The Go ecosystem has a hoard of tools and editors for Gophers to choose from and it can be difficult to find ones that are a good fit for each individual. In this episode, we discuss what tools and editors we’re using, the ones we wish existed, how we go about finding new ones, and why we sometimes choose to write our own tools.
Conferences are an integral part of the Go community, but the experience of conferences has remained the same even as the value propositions change. In this episode we discuss what conferences generally provide, how value propositions have changed, and what changes conference organizers could make to realign their conference experience to a new set of value propositions.
Guests are catching the bug, so we decided to spend this episode talking about bugs! How do you find and fix your bugs? Do you sketch things out, whip out the debugger, or something else?