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Chris James

5 episodes

Go Time Go Time #185

Giving TDD a Go

2021-06-24T16:15:00Z #go +1 🎧 20,544

We discuss how Test Driven Development (TDD) can help you write better code, and build better software. Packed with tips and tricks, gotchas and best practices, the panel explore the subject and share their real-world experiences.

Go Time Go Time #151

Introducing your team to Go

2020-10-15T21:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 15,348

Can’t find a job working in Go? Perhaps introducing your current team to Go is the solution. In this episode we talk about how Go was introduced at different organizations, potential pitfalls that may sabotage your efforts, some advice on how to convince your team and CTO to use Go and more.

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