The Changelog

The Changelog Artwork

Software's best weekly news brief, deep technical interviews & talk show

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #254


2017-06-23T19:00:00Z 🎧 20,450

This week we take you behind the scenes of the new infrastructure for and talk with Gerhard Lazu. We relaunched the new brand and site for Changelog on Phoenix/Elixir in October of 2016 and we needed a better way to reliably host and deploy the site. That’s where Gerhard came in. We cover all the details and decisions in this show.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #252

GitHub's Open Source Survey (2017)

2017-06-09T22:00:00Z 🎧 20,303

On Friday, June 2, 2017 – GitHub announced the details of their Open Source Survey – an open data set on the open source community for researchers and the curious. Frannie Zlotnick, Nadia Eghbal, and Mikeal Rogers joined the show to talk through the backstory and key insights of this open data project which sheds light on the broader open source community’s attitudes, experiences, and backgrounds of those who use, build, and maintain open source software.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews

BONUS - Sustain Open Source Software

2017-05-04T17:45:00Z 🎧 23,663

Justin Dorfman joined us for a special BONUS episode of The Changelog to share some details about Sustain Conference with you. It’s a one day conversation for Open Source Software sustainers at GitHub HQ (SF) on June 19, 2017. No keynotes, expo halls or talks. Only discussions about how to get more resources to support digital infrastructure. Plus, we’ll be there.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #249

Open source at Microsoft, inclusion, diversity, and OSCON

2017-04-28T21:00:00Z #oscon 🎧 24,361

Scott Hanselman joined today’s show produced in partnership with our friends at OSCON. Scott is a Program Chair of OSCON, host of the podcast Hanselminutes, and advocate for open source inside of Microsoft and the Azure Cloud team. We talked about the oldest software he wrote that’s still in production, the shift inside Microsoft to open source and why, as well as ways to make inclusion and diversity a priority in your communities.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #248

Open source lessons learned

2017-04-28T17:50:00Z #javascript 🎧 19,254

Zeno Rocha, Principal Developer Advocate at Liferay, joined the show to talk about DevRel, his open source work (clipboard.js, Dracula Theme, jQuery Boilerplate, Browser Diet, et al), and his passion for teaching and giving talks at conferences. Zeno also shared some really interesting stories about his first contributions to open source, how that played out, and the lessons learned along the way.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #247

Firefox Debugger and DevTools

2017-04-17T19:00:00Z 🎧 20,724

Jason Laster joined the show to talk about Firefox Debugger and DevTools. We talked about the backstory of Firefox, Firebug, the new Debugger.html, why React and Redux made a good fit to develop Debugger as a standalone application, community efforts, and getting started.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #246

First-time contributors and maintainer balance

2017-04-10T17:00:00Z 🎧 19,814

Kent C. Dodds joined the show to talk about guiding and supporting first time contributors to open source. We talked about the many ways to be first-timer friendly, how to contribute to open source, the burden and balance of a maintainer, and a few of the projects Kent maintains, including his latest project at PayPal called Glamourous.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #245

Open Source at Google

2017-03-28T17:00:00Z #documentation 🎧 23,312

Will Norris (Engineering Manager at Google’s Open Source office) joined the show to talk about their new release of the Google Open Source website as well as the release of Google’s internal documentation on how they do open source. Nearly 70 pages of documentation have been made public under creative commons license for the world to use. We talked about the backstory of Google’s Open Source office, their philosophy on OSS, their involvement in the TODO group, and much more.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #244

Learning JavaScript and Bringing People Together

2017-03-25T03:00:00Z #javascript 🎧 21,119

Tracy Lee joined the show to talk about bringing people together, helping people, and making an impact. We covered learning JavaScript, the ins and outs of her road to get to where she’s at today, hitting burnout and sleeping for two weeks, breaking into the JavaScript community, and the fun cruise, workshops, and conferences she’s working on for the JavaScript community.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #243

Let's Encrypt the Web

2017-03-18T03:00:00Z #infosec 🎧 22,761

Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, Senior Staff Technologist at the EFF and the lead developer of Let’s Encrypt, joined the show to talk about the history of SSL, the start of Let’s Encrypt, why it’s important to encrypt the web and what happens if we don’t, Certbot, and the impact Let’s Encrypt has had on securing the web.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #242

The burden of open source

2017-03-09T12:00:00Z 🎧 20,503

James Long joined the show to talk about his recent post, “Why I’m Frequently Absent from Open Source”. He shared several points in his blog post that struck a chord with us, so we invited him on the show to talk through the gritty details and peel back the layers of open source — the people involved, sustainability, the responsibility, the guilt, and the balance it takes to keep it all together.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #240

Feedbin and RSS resurgence

2017-02-21T20:00:00Z #rss 🎧 20,720

Ben Ubois, the creator of Feedbin (a simple, good-looking online RSS reader) joined the show to talk about the indie web and developers, how RSS usage has changed over the years – particularly since Google Reader shutdown. We also talked about RSS vs the social web that we’re in now and the idea of an RSS resurgence and taking back control over the content we choose to subscribe to.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #239

Managing Secrets Using Vault

2017-02-17T20:00:00Z #go 🎧 21,602

Seth Vargo, the Director of Technical Advocacy at HashiCorp, joined the show to talk about managing secrets with their open source product called Vault which lets you centrally secure, store, and tightly control access to secrets across distributed infrastructure and applications. We talked about Seth’s back story into open source, use cases, what problem it solves, key features like Data Encryption, why they choose to write it in Go, and how they build tooling around the open core model.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #237

Reproducible builds and secure software

2017-02-03T20:00:00Z 🎧 22,028

Chris Lamb joined the show to talk about his project Reproducible Builds — which is funded by The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative. We talked about the importance of having a verifiable path from source code to compiled binary, what this set of software development practices is all about, what it means to have Reproducible Builds, the challenges faced when implementing these development practices, and the inherent security you gain from them.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #236

GunDB, Venture Backed and Decentralized

2017-01-27T20:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 19,837

Mark Nadal joined the show to talk about his hacker story and his venture backed open source datastore project called GunDB — a realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine. We talked about the details behind this database, how Mark secured funding, why yet another datastore, who’s using the database, how Mark plans to sustain this project through products and services, his thoughts on the RethinkDB postmortem and more.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #235

ANTHOLOGY – Hacker Stories From OSCON, All Things Open, and Node Interactive

2017-01-13T20:00:00Z #ato +2 🎧 19,442

In this anthology episode we’re featuring three awesome hacker stories from OSCON, All Things Open, and Node Interactive — Giovanni Caligaris about how he brought LibreOffice to the people of Paraguay by translating it to their native tongue. Stu Keroff about the Linux user group he started for kids called The Asian Penguins. Shiya Luo about how China does Node, translations of documentation and books from English to Chinese, and the Great Firewall of China.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #233


2016-12-17T00:00:00Z #javascript 🎧 26,277

Sean Larkin joined the show to talk about Webpack, how fast open sources moves, how fast Webpack is moving, the core team, the formation, joining JS Foundation, the problem it’s solving, the bleeding edge features, sustainability, Sean and team’s efforts to build the community, their work on Open Collective, and more.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #232

Homebrew and Swift

2016-12-09T20:00:00Z #swift 🎧 22,910

Max Howell, famous for creating Homebrew, joined the show to talk about his start in software and open source, the tweet that was heard around the world when he interviewed with Google and didn’t get accepted, the creation of Homebrew, the naming process, as well as the difficulty letting go. We also talked about his passion for the Swift programming language, and his work on Swift Package Manager while at Apple.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #231

HTTP/2 in Node.js Core

2016-12-06T18:00:00Z #node 🎧 21,326

In this special episode recorded at Node Interactive 2016 in Austin, TX Adam talked with James Snell (IBM Technical Lead for Node and member of Node’s TSC and CTC) about the work he’s doing on Node’s implementation of http2, the state of http2 in Node, what this new spec has to offer, and what the Node community can expect from this new protocol.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #229

Python, Django, and Channels

2016-11-25T16:30:00Z #python 🎧 20,762

Django core contributor Andrew Godwin joins the show to tell us all about Python and Django. If you’ve ever wondered why people love Python, what Django’s virtues are as a web framework, or how Django Channels measure up to Phoenix’s Channels and Rails’ Action Cable, this is the show for you. Also: Andrew’s take on funding and sustaining open source efforts.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #228

Servo and Rust

2016-11-18T14:00:00Z #rust 🎧 21,294

Jack Moffitt joined the show to talk about Servo, an experimental web browser layout engine. We talked about what the Servo project aims to achieve, six areas of performance, and what makes Rust a good fit for this effort.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #226

The Road to Font Awesome 5

2016-11-04T16:00:00Z 🎧 19,461

Dave Gandy joined the show to talk about the history of Font Awesome, what’s to come in Font Awesome 5 and their Kickstarter to fund Font Awesome 5 Pro, and how everything they’re doing is funneling back into the forever free and open source — Font Awesome Free.

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