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Changelog News Changelog News #96

Why you shouldn't use AI to write your tests

2024-05-28T19:45:00Z 🎧 17,755

Swizec’s article on not using AI to writes tests, LlamaFs is a self-organizing file system with Llama 3, a Pew Research analysis confirmed that the internet is full of broken links, Sam Rose built a spectacular interactive study of queueing strategies & Jordan Cutler shares a real-life experience of him writing clear/readable code… and it backfiring.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #592

From Sun to Oxide

2024-05-22T12:30:00Z 🎧 19,358

Bryan Cantrill, Co-founder and CTO of Oxide Computer Company, joins Adam to share his journey from Sun to Oxide – from Sun and Fishworks, to DTrace, to ZFS, to Joyent and Node.js, and now working to build on-prem cloud servers as they should be at Oxide.

Practical AI Practical AI #269

Full-stack approach for effective AI agents

2024-05-15T14:00:00Z #ai 🎧 25,965

There’s a lot of hype about AI agents right now, but developing robust agents isn’t yet a reality in general. Imbue is leading the way towards more robust agents by taking a full-stack approach; from hardware innovations through to user interface. In this episode, Josh, Imbue’s CTO, tell us more about their approach and some of what they have learned along the way.

Changelog News Changelog News #94

Avoiding the soft delete anti-pattern

2024-05-13T19:45:00Z 🎧 18,221

Tim Fisken explains the problem with soft deletion, a simple measure of software dependency freshness is proposed, a deep-dive on sound design in software, a web app with over 80 handy developer tools built in & Luke Plant reminds us that programming mantras are proverbs, not laws.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #590

Good timing makes great products

2024-05-08T12:30:00Z #culture +1 🎧 15,978

Paul Orlando is back to talk about his book titled “Why Now?” You may remember Paul from his last appearance (a fan favorite) talking with Jerod about complex systems & second-order effects. Paul’s book, “Why Now?” explores the concept of timing and the importance of understanding the ‘why now’ in business and product development. We discuss timing examples from the book that were either too early or too late (such as the first video phone and car phones), the need to consider both technological advancements and user demand when assessing timing, the significance of timing in the success of companies like Apple and the launch of the iPhone, Uber and Heroku, and more. Also, join our Slack community for a chance to get a signed copy of Paul’s book.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #589

Castro leans into indie

2024-05-01T12:30:00Z #startups +1 🎧 17,135

This week we’re joined by Dustin Bluck to discuss his acquisition of the well known (and beloved) Castro podcast app to take it indie-focused once again. As previous users of Castro, we were excited to dig into the details behind this popular podcast client to see what’s next, how the deal was done, a peek into the code, and where exactly this indie and creator focused podcast app can go.

Practical AI Practical AI #267

Private, open source chat UIs

2024-04-30T20:45:00Z #ai +2 🎧 25,812

We recently gathered some Practical AI listeners for a live webinar with Danny from LibreChat to discuss the future of private, open source chat UIs. During the discussion we hear about the motivations behind LibreChat, why enterprise users are hosting their own chat UIs, and how Danny (and the LibreChat community) is creating amazing features (like RAG and plugins).

Changelog News Changelog News #92

Good ideas in computer science

2024-04-29T19:15:00Z 🎧 18,210

Daniel Hooper lists out all the good ideas in computer science, Jeff Geerling declares 2024 the year corporate open source dies, Jared Turner says all kinds of works-in-progress are waste, Daroc Alden covers the leadership crisis in the Nix community & John Hawthorn explains why Ruby may be faster than you think.

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