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DevOps, infrastructure, etc.
132 episodes
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Ship It! Ship It! #72

Klustered & Rawkode Academy

2022-09-29T13:20:00Z #ops +2 🎧 6,971

One of our listeners, Andrew Welker, suggested that we talk about Klustered, so a few hours before David Flanagan was about to do his workshop at Container Days, we recorded this episode. We talked about all the weird and wonderful Kubernetes debugging sessions on Klustered, a YouTube playlist with 43 videos and counting.

We then talked about Rawkode Academy, and we finished with conferences. Good thing we did, because David almost forgot about KubeHuddle, the conference that he is co-organising next week. Gerhard is looking forward to talking at it! No, seriously, check it out at kubehuddle.com.

Ship It! Ship It! #71

Modern Software Engineering

2022-09-21T17:45:00Z #ops +2 🎧 9,382

Dave Farley, co-author of Continuous Delivery, is back to talk about his latest book, Modern Software Engineering, a Top 3 Software Engineering best seller on Amazon UK this September. Shipping good software starts with you giving yourself permission to do a good job. It continues with a healthy curiosity, admitting that you don’t know, and running many experiments, safely, without blowing everything up. And then there is scope creep…

Ship It! Ship It! #70

Kaizen! Four PRs, one big feature

2022-09-14T18:20:00Z #ops +3 🎧 7,927

In today’s Kaizen episode, we talk about shipping Adam’s Christmas present: chapter support for all Changelog episodes that we now publish. This feature was hard because there are many subtle differences in how the ID3 spec is implemented. Of course, once the PR shipped, there were other issues to solve, including an upgrade the world kind of scenario. Since Lars Wikman did all the heavy ID3 lifting, he joins us in this episode.

Ship It! Ship It! #69

The cloud native ecosystem

2022-09-08T14:00:00Z #ops +3 🎧 7,750

Maybe it’s the Californian sun. Or perhaps it’s the time spent at Disney Studios, the home of the best stories. One thing is for sure: Taylor Dolezal is one of the happiest cloud native people that Gerhard knows.

As a former Lead SRE for Disney Studios, Taylor has significant hands-on experience running cloud native technologies in a large company. After a few years as a HashiCorp Developer Advocate, Taylor is now Head of End User Ecosystem at CNCF. In his current role, he is helping enable cloud native success for end-users like Boeing, Mercedes Benz & many others.

Ship It! Ship It! #68

Behind the scenes at Microsoft Azure

2022-08-31T21:15:00Z #ops +3 🎧 8,817

Most of you already know what it’s like to work in a startup or a small company. A few of you have been asking us for conversations with engineers that work for big companies, the kind that run everything from big title games to banking, and even critical national infrastructure.

In today’s episode, we talk to Ganeshkumar, a Software Engineer in the Azure Kubernetes Service team, who works on Node Lifecycle and Kubernetes Versioning, and Brendan, Kubernetes project co-founder and engineering Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Azure OSS and Cloud-native Compute. We talk about what it’s like to work for Microsoft, how mentoring works in practice, and what Kubernetes, Omega, & Borg have to do with it all.

Ship It! Ship It! #67

All your network are belong to eBPF

2022-08-25T16:00:00Z #ops +1 🎧 7,175

A few weeks ago, Jerod spoke with Liz Rice about the power of eBPF on The Changelog. Today, we have the pleasure of both Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Office at Isovalent & Thomas Graf, CTO & co-founder at Isovalent, the creators of Cilium.

Around 2014, Facebook achieved a 10x performance improvement by replacing their traditional load balancers with eBPF. In 2017, every single packet that went to Facebook was processed by eBPF. Nowadays, every Android phone is using it. Truth be told, if it’s network-related and it matters, eBPF is most likely a part of it.

Ship It! Ship It! #66

Do the right thing. Do what works. Be kind.

2022-08-18T13:45:00Z #ops +2 🎧 9,161

Why are the right values important for a company that changed the way the world builds software? How does pair programming help scale & maintain the company culture? What is it like to grow a company to 3000 employees over 30 years?

Today we have the privilege of Rob Mee, former CEO of Pivotal, the real home of Cloud Foundry and Concourse CI. Rob is now the CEO of Geometer.io, an incubator where Elixir is behind many great ideas executed well, including the US COVID response programme.

Ship It! Ship It! #65

Two thumbs up for the Cool Wall

2022-08-10T17:15:00Z #kubernetes +2 🎧 7,244

Tammer Saleh, founder of Super Orbital, a tiny team of exceptional Kubernetes engineers and teachers, is joining us today to talk about what is cool in the Cloud Native world. Yes, it’s the same Tammer that we had the pleasure of on shipit.show/31 - Is Kubernetes a platform?

In today’s episode, we also cover two great blog posts:

  1. Zero to GitOps: Terraform and the AWS EKS Blueprints project by Sean Kane
  2. Hunting Down an Intermittent Failure in Cilium by James McShane

We wrap up with ✨ The Cool Wall of Cloud Native ✨

Ship It! Ship It! #63

KubeVelo 2022

2022-07-27T21:00:00Z #ops +2 🎧 5,624

We know that many of you listen to this podcast while running 🏃‍♀️ or cycling 🚴‍♂️ Hey Dan!

How many of you cycled to a conference? Gerhard knows a single person that cycled 764 miles for 8 days straight from Switzerland to Spain for this year’s KubeCon EU. His name is Johann Gyger, a CNCF ambassador & a cloud consultant at Peak Scale. Johann is a cloud engineer at heart that is all in on sustainability. He is the main reason why Gerhard is super excited to talk about electric cars & Dagger at the Swiss Cloud Native Day this September.

Ship It! Ship It! #62

Operational simplicity is a gift to you

2022-07-20T16:35:00Z #ops +2 🎧 9,368

Gerhard’s transition to a senior engineer started 10 years ago, when he embraced the vim mindset, functional core & imperative shell, and was inspired to seek simplicity in his code & infrastructure. Most of it can be traced back to one person: Gary Bernhardt, the creator of Execute Program, Destroy all Software and the now famous Wat idea.

Few stick around long enough to understand the long-term impact of their decisions on production systems. Even fewer are able to talk about them as well as Gary does.

Ship It! Ship It! #61

The ops & infra behind Transistor.fm

2022-07-13T22:20:00Z #ops +3 🎧 7,043

Today we talk with two lovely folks from Transistor.fm: Jason Pearl, Senior Software Developer & Jon Buda, co-founder. Gerhard was curious to find out about their setup & how did it change with the launch of the new podcast website builder. After all, you have been hearing us talk about our setup for years, so it was high-time to challenge some assumptions and learn how another team is solving similar problems.

TL;DL: keeping it simple is at the root of smooth operations & stable systems.

Ship It! Ship It! #60

Kaizen! Post-migration cleanup

2022-07-08T11:00:00Z #ops +4 🎧 7,034

In our 6th Kaizen, we talk with Jerod about all the things that we cleaned up after migrating changelog.com from a managed Kubernetes to Fly.io. We deleted the K8s cluster and moved wildcard cert management to Fastly & all our vanity domain certs to Fly.io. We migrated the Docker Engine that our GitHub Actions is using - PR #416 has all the details. We did a few other things in preparation for our secrets plan. Thank you Maikel Vlasman, James Harr, Adrian Mester, Omri Gabay & Owen Valentine for kicking it off in our Slack #shipit channel.

Gerhard’s favourite improvement: the new shipit.show domain.

Ship It! Ship It! #59

Postgres vs SQLite with Litestream

2022-06-29T21:00:00Z #ops +2 🎧 8,795

Ben Johnson, the creator of Litestream, joined Fly.io a few weeks after we migrated changelog.com - episode 50 has all the details. That was pure coincidence. What was not a coincidence, is Gerhard jumping at the opportunity to talk to Ben about Postgres vs SQLite with Litestream.

The prospect of running a cluster of our app instances spread across all regions, with local SQLite & Litestream replication, is mind boggling. Let’s find out from Ben what will it take to get there. Thanks Kürt for kicking off this dream.

Ship It! Ship It! #58

How to keep a secret

2022-06-22T20:20:00Z #ops +2 🎧 7,880

Rob Barnes (a.k.a. Devops Rob) and Rosemary Wang (author of Infrastructure as Code - Patterns & Practices) are joining us today to talk about infrastructure secrets.

What do Rosemary and Rob think about committing encrypted secrets into a repository? How do they suggest that we improve on storing secrets in LastPass? And if we were to choose HashiCorp Vault, what do we need to know?

Thank you Thomas Eckert for the intro. Thank you Nabeel Sulieman (ep. 46) & Kelsey Hightower (ep. 44) for your gentle nudges towards improving our infra secrets management.

Ship It! Ship It! #57

What do oranges & flame graphs have in common?

2022-06-17T18:45:00Z #ops +1 🎧 7,206

Today we are talking with Frederic Branczyk, founder of Polar Signals & Prometheus maintainer. You may remember Frederic from episode 33 when we introduced Parca.dev.

This time, we talk about a database built for observability: FrostDB, formerly known as ArcticDB. eBPF generates a lot of high cardinality data, which requires a new approach to writing, persisting & then reading back this state.

TL;DR FrostDB is sub zero cool & well worthy of its name.

Ship It! Ship It! #56

DevOps teams with shared responsibilities

2022-06-08T17:30:00Z #ops 🎧 7,607

Today we are talking with Maikel Vlasman, technical lead for a large Dutch machine construction company, and a cloud engineer by heart. We cover self-updating GitLab & ArgoCD, Maikel’s thinking behind dev environment setup and a Kubernetes workshop that he is preparing for his team. The goal is to function as a true DevOps team with shared responsibilities.

This conversation started as a thread in our community Slack - link in the show notes. Thank you Maikel for being a long-time Changelog listener and for reaching out to us - we enjoyed telling this story.

Ship It! Ship It! #53

Securing K8s releases (KubeCon EU 2022)

2022-05-20T17:10:00Z #kubernetes +2 🎧 6,593

Today we are at KubeCon CloudNativeCon EU 2022, talking to Adolfo García Veytia about securing Kubernetes releases. Adolfo is a Staff Software Engineer at Chainguard, and one of the technical leads for SIG release, meaning that he helps ship Kubernetes. You most likely know him as Puerco, and have seen first-hand his passion for securing software via SBOMs, cosign and SLSA. Puerco’s love for bikes and Chainguard are a great match 🚴‍♂️

Founders Talk Founders Talk #89

Leading GitLab to IPO

2022-05-10T20:00:00Z #startups +2 🎧 7,789

This week Sid Sijbrandij, Co-founder and CEO of GitLab, is back talking with Adam about all the details of their massive IPO last October 2021. To set the stage, this episode was recorded on Feb 1, 2022. During the show Adam mentioned they IPO’d at a $13B market cap, but they actually ended their opening day at approximately $15B. That’s a massive win for open source, GitLab, Sid, and the rest of the team. For loyal listeners you know we’ve had Sid on this show before, so of course we had to get him back on the show post-IPO to get all the details of this new journey.

Ship It! Ship It! #51

From Kubernetes to PaaS - now what?

2022-05-04T15:45:00Z #ops +5 🎧 7,418

Today we talk to Mark Ericksen about all the things that we could be doing on the new platform - this is a follow-up to episode 50.

Mark specialises in Elixir, he hosts the Thinking Elixir podcast, and he also helps make Fly.io the best place to run Phoenix apps, such as changelog.com. In the interest of holding our new platform right, we thought that it would be a great idea to talk to someone that does this all day, every day, for many years now.

We touch up on how to run database migrations safely, and how to upgrade our application config to the latest Phoenix version. We also talked about some of the more advanced platform features that we may want to start leveraging, like the multi-region PostgreSQL.

Ship It! Ship It! #50

Kaizen! We are flying ✈️

2022-04-27T16:30:00Z #ops +4 🎧 7,115

This is our 5th Kaizen where we talk about the next improvement to changelog.com: we are now running on Fly.io and our PostgreSQL is managed. This is a migration that many were curious about, including Simmy de Klerk, the person that requested this episode.

After migrating all our media files to AWS S3 (check episode 40), we thought that this part was going to be easy. Plan met reality. Pull request 407 has all the details.

We want to emphasise the type of partner relationships that we seek at Changelog & why they are important to us, as well as to our listeners. Honeycomb & Fly embody the principles that we care about, and Gerhard thinks that we are currently missing a Kubernetes partner.

Practical AI Practical AI #176

MLOps is NOT Real

2022-04-26T14:00:00Z #ai +2 🎧 21,084

We all hear a lot about MLOps these days, but where does MLOps end and DevOps begin? Our friend Luis from OctoML joins us in this episode to discuss treating AI/ML models as regular software components (once they are trained and ready for deployment). We get into topics including optimization on various kinds of hardware and deployment of models at the edge.

Ship It! Ship It! #49

Improving an eCommerce fulfilment platform

2022-04-20T16:15:00Z #ops +2 🎧 7,375

Alex Sims, a Senior Software Engineer at James & James, an eCommerce fulfilment company, reached out to us about the Kaizen story of the third-party logistics (3PL) platform that he has been involved with for several years now.

The system delivered 16 millions of orders in 10 years, and 4.5 million in the last year alone. All the numbers are going up, and there is only so much that a single PHP monolith deployed as VM images can handle. So how do you even start thinking about the architectural improvements, and inspire everyone involved to move towards better?

We encourage you to look at the architectural diagrams in the show notes, especially the 10 year roadmap, and ask Alex for a blog post follow-up. While today’s episode was a good conversation starter, there is a lot that we did not have time to cover.

Ship It! Ship It! #48

Launching Dagger

2022-04-13T15:00:00Z #ops +1 🎧 9,101

In this episode we talk about launching Dagger with all four founders: Andrea, Eric, Sam & Solomon.

While you may remember Sam & Solomon from episode 23, this time we assembled all four superheroes in this story and went deeper, covering nearly three years of refinements, the launch, as well as the world-class team & community that is coming together to solve the next problem of shipping software. Container images and Kubernetes are great steps in the right direction, but now it’s time for the next leap into the future.

You can use Dagger to run your CI/CD pipelines locally, without needing to commit and push. You can also use Dagger as a Makefile alternative, which resonates with Gerhard, but go further and your perspective on documentation & automation may start shifting.

Gerhard believes that this is the Docker moment of CI/CD.

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