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Mat Ryer

137 episodes

Go Time Go Time #267

What's new in Go 1.20

2023-02-16T23:00:00Z #go 🎧 20,876

Our “what’s new in Go” correspondent Carl Johnson joins Mat & Johnny to discuss… what’s new in Go 1.20, of course! What’d you expect, an episode about Rust?! That’s preposterous…

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #526

Git with your friends

2023-02-10T21:00:00Z #git +3 🎧 35,746

This week we invited our friend Mat Ryer to join us for some good conversation about some Git tooling that’s been on our radar. You may know Mat from Go Time and also Grafana’s Big Tent, which we help to produce. We speculate, we discuss, we laugh, and Mat even breaks into song a few times. It’s good fun.

Go Time Go Time #262

How Go helped save ♻️

2023-01-12T22:45:00Z #go 🎧 17,645

Paul Smith (from “Obama’s Trauma Team”) tells us the tale of how Go played a big role in the rescuing and rebuilding of the website. Along the way we learn what the original team did wrong, how the rescue team kept it afloat during huge traffic spikes, and what they’ve done since to rebuild it to serve the people’s needs.

Go Time Go Time #246

Avoiding bloat

2022-09-08T17:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,426

Egon Elbre and Roger Peppe join Mat for a conversation all about bloat (and how to avoid it). Expect talk of code bloat, binary bloat, feature bloat, and an even-more-bloated-than-usual unpopular opinion segment.

Go Time Go Time #240

What's new in Go 1.19

2022-07-28T18:35:38Z #go 🎧 20,672

Go 1.18 was a major release where we saw the introduction of generics into the language as well as other notables such as fuzzing and workspaces. With Go 1.19 slated to come out next month, one has to wonder what’s next. Are we in store to be blown away by new and major features like we saw in 1.18? Not exactly but there are still lots of improvements to be on the lookout for.

Joining Mat & Johnny to touch on some of the most interesting ones is Carl Johnson, himself a contributor to the 1.19 release.

Go Time Go Time #237

Go tooling ♻️

2022-07-07T18:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 20,169

We’re talking about the tools we use every day help us to be productive! This show will be a great introduction for those new to Go tooling, with some discussion around what we think of them after using some of them for many years.

Go Time Go Time #235

2053: A Go Odyssey

2022-06-23T15:45:00Z #go 🎧 18,329

The year is 2053. The tabs-vs-spaces wars are long over. Ron Evans is the only Go programmer still alive on Earth. All he does is maintain old Go code. It’s terrible! He must find a way to warn his fellow gophers before it’s too late. Good thing he finally got that PDQ transmission system working…

Go Time Go Time #234

Observability in the wild: strategies that work

2022-06-16T21:00:00Z #observability +1
🎧 19,447

This week we’re featuring an episode of Grafana’s Big Tent! LEGO Group principal engineer Nayana Shetty swaps observability survival stories (to drill or not to drill?) with hosts Mat Ryer and Matt Toback. The trio also reveals new and different observability strategies that have been successful and effective in their organizations.

Plus: Nayana shares how she built her successful observability career brick by brick.

Go Time Go Time #220

Bob Logblaw Log Blog

2022-03-10T22:20:00Z #go 🎧 21,625

Ed Welch joins Mat and Jon to discuss logging. They explore the different options for logging in Go, and discuss what data is worth including. Everything from log levels, formats, non-structured vs structured logs, along with common gotchas and good practices when dealing with logs at scale.

Go Time Go Time #218

Going with GraphQL

2022-02-24T17:20:00Z #go +1 🎧 22,367

Mark Sandstrom and Ben Kraft join Jon and Mat to talk about GraphQL. What exactly is it this query language everyone has been talking about? How does it work? What Go libraries are out there, and where should you get started?

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