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Johnny Boursiquot

118 episodes

Go Time Go Time

The funny bits from 2021

Here’s a little bonus episode before we get back to your regularly scheduled Go Time. We’re calling it the funny bits. It’s a compilation of times we cracked up making the show for y’all. If you dig it, holler at Jerod. If you don’t, email Mat Ryer.

Go Time Go Time #207

Maintenance in the open

2021-11-25T15:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 20,281

Open Source and other source available projects have been a huge driver of progress in our industry, but building and maintaining an open source project is about a lot more than just writing the initial code and putting together a good README. On this episode of the maintenance mini-series, we’ll be discussing open source and the maintenance required to keep it going.

Go Time Go Time #201

eBPF and Go

2021-10-14T15:40:00Z #go +1 🎧 21,353

eBPF (7 years old) is a sandbox that can run code inside the linux kernel. It started as a technology to build firewalls, and has evolved over time to include a range of new features.

The panel discuss the origins of eBPF and how it works, as well as dig into some real-world use cases. While eBPF programs themselves aren’t written in Go (more like C), we will hear about how you can communicate with eBPF programs from your Go code.

Go Time Go Time #196

Building actually maintainable software

2021-09-09T15:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 24,232

Building software is difficult and time consuming, but the maintenance of software is where we spend the majority of our time. In this episode, Ian and sam join Johnny and Kris to discuss how to build actually maintainable software, the features of Go that make it good for writing maintainable software, and different ways that we might define the term “maintenance”.

Go Time Go Time #184

All about Porter

2021-06-17T16:00:00Z #go +3 🎧 17,417

Porter lets you package your application artifacts, client tools, configuration and deployment logic together as a versioned bundle that you can distribute, and then install with a single command. Written entirely in Go, we speak to one of the creators about running an open source project, the importance of documentation, and more.

Go Time Go Time #180

Are frameworks getting an Encore?

2021-05-20T16:40:00Z #go +2 🎧 15,212

Tools and frameworks that aim to boost developer productivity are always worth a closer look, but we don’t often consider the trade-offs for whichever we settle on. In this episode, we discuss the questions one should be asking when evaluating developer productivity tools and frameworks in the Go ecosystem in particular.

Joining us to discuss is André Eriksson, the creator of Encore, a backend framework that aims to make development and deployment as productive as it can be.

Go Time Go Time #172

Design philosophy

2021-03-25T15:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 18,113

In this insight-filled episode, Bill Kennedy joins Johnny and Kris to discuss best practices around the design of software in Go. Bill talks through scenarios, lessons learned, and pitfalls to avoid in both architecture and coding of Go projects.

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