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Ship It! Ship It! #26

Gerhard at KubeCon NA 2021: Part 2

In the second set of interviews from KubeCon North America 2021, Gerhard and Liz Rice talk about eBPF superpowers - Cilium + Hubble - and what’s it like to work with Duffie Cooley.

Jared Watts shares the story behind Crossplane reaching incubating status, and Dan Mangum tells us what it was like to be at this KubeCon in person. Dan’s new COO role (read Click Ops Officer) comes up.

David Ansari from VMware speaks about his first KubeCon experience both as an attendee and as a speaker. The RabbitMQ Deep Dive talk that he gave will be a nice surprise if you watch it - link in the show notes.

Dan Lorenc brings his unique perspective on supply chain security, and tells us about the new company that he co-founded, Chainguard. How to secure container images gets covered, as well as one of the easter eggs that Scott Nichols put in

Ship It! Ship It! #25

Gerhard at KubeCon NA 2021: Part 1

2021-10-27T16:00:00Z #ops +2 🎧 5,679

This is Gerhard’s first set of interviews from KubeCon North America 2021.

William Morgan shares with us some of the finer Linkerd details, such as the underlying security theme, why native Kubernetes objects are preferable to more CRDs, and the joy of meeting team members in person.

Frederic Branczyk speaks about Parca, a new continuous system profiling tool that uses eBPF to help you understand what is happening on your hosts.

Andrew Rynhard gives us a great Talos OS and Kubespan perspective, and shares some really good follow-up videos on these topics.

The last conversation is with David Flanagan - you know him as Rawkode - about new beginnings. It’s only been less than two months since we’ve had him in episode 18, and he kept really busy. Caleb, his 3 weeks old baby boy, was the youngest attendee at this conference, and some talks made him sleepy, so good job everyone.

Go Time Go Time #183

Using Go in unusual ways

2021-06-10T15:45:00Z #go +4 🎧 17,980

This episode was recorded live from GopherCon Europe 2021!

Natalie & Mat host three amazing devs who gave talks that showcase using Go in unusual ways: Dr. Joakim Kennedy is tracking Go in malware, Mathilde Raynal is building quantum-resistant cryptography algorithms, and Preslav Rachev is creating digital art.

We hear from our speakers how they got into Go, how they made the choice to use Go for their unusual use case, and how it compares to other languages for their specific needs.

We also chat about conference talks, submissions and public speaking - how to start, good practices, and tips they collected along the way.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #442

Maintainer week!

2021-05-28T21:00:00Z #oss +1 🎧 28,944

This week is all about Maintainer Week — it’s a week long event starting June 7th for open source maintainers to gather, share, and be celebrated. We’re joined by Josh Simmons (Ecosystem Strategy Lead at Tidelift & President of Open Source Initiative) and Kara Sowles (Senior Open Source Program Manager at GitHub). Of course we love open source maintainers, that’s why we’re so excited about Maintainer Week and making it an annual thing. Today we talk through all the details of this event, what we can expect for this year and the years to come.

Ship It! Ship It! #2

Shipping KubeCon EU 2021

2021-05-28T12:10:00Z #ops +2 🎧 3,033

This week on Ship It! Gerhard is joined by Constance Caramanolis, Principal Engineer at Splunk and former maintainer of Envoy Proxy, and Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source at Cisco & self-proclaimed Caesar of Systems. Constance and Stephen are the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon co-chairs. Join us to find out what happens before and after KubeCon gets shipped.

Go Time Go Time #175

The ultimate guide to crafting your GopherCon proposal

2021-04-15T14:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 13,085

The Call for Proposals for GopherCon 2021 is open from Monday, April 5th to Sunday, April 25th. Kris Brandow, an experienced GopherCon speaker, has published a series of guides to assist Gophers as they craft their proposals and think about submitting.

In this episode Kris reads through his guide, discussing the four parts with a GopherCon newbie, Angelica Hill, who spoke for the first time at GopherCon last year, and is a first time CFP reviewer this year.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #375

Gerhard goes to KubeCon (part 2)

Gerhard is back for part two of our interviews at KubeCon 2019. Join him as he goes deep on Prometheus with Björn Rabenstein, Ben Kochie, and Frederic Branczyk… Grafana with Tom Wilkie and Ed Welch… and Crossplane with Jared Watts, Marques Johansson, and Dan Mangum.

Don’t miss part one with Bryan Liles, Priyanka Sharma, Natasha Woods, & Alexis Richardson.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #374

Gerhard goes to KubeCon (part 1)

2019-12-18T16:30:00Z #kubernetes +3 🎧 23,661

Changelog’s resident infrastructure expert Gerhard Lazu is on location at KubeCon 2019. This is part one of a two-part series from the world’s largest open source conference. In this episode you’ll hear from event co-chair Bryan Liles, Priyanka Sharma and Natasha Woods from GitLab, and Alexis Richardson from Weaveworks.

Stay tuned for part two’s deep dives in to Prometheus, Grafana, and Crossplane.

JS Party JS Party #103

You're probably using streams

2019-11-22T16:36:05Z #node +2 🎧 9,522

This week we chat with Matteo Collina, Technical Director at NearForm and member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, about his upcoming Node+JS Interactive talk on Node Streams. We talk about their creation before any standards and how they are one of the bedrock APIs used throughout the Node ecosystem. We also talk about WHATWG streams and some of their key differences, and how streams have gotten easier to work with thanks to the addition of async iterators and generators to the language.

JS Party JS Party #92

The conference scene ✨

2019-09-06T14:08:33Z #javascript +1 🎧 8,836

This episode is all about conferences and there is a lot to talk about! Why even go? What makes a conference worth it? How can you get the most of the experience? Is speaking worth all the effort? How can you make your talk amazing? How can you get your talk selected? We chime in on all of these questions plus more.

Go Time Go Time #93

If you've never been to GopherCon...

2019-08-05T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 10,714

Jon, Mark, Johnny, and special guest Jamal Yusuf discuss what to expect when attending a conference like GopherCon. What should you be doing before you attend GopherCon? What should you bring to the conference? What shouldn’t you bring? What are the training sessions about? What about the hacking sessions and talking with the Go team? What if you don’t know anyone?

Founders Talk Founders Talk #65

What are you optimizing for?

2019-05-31T11:00:00Z #startups +2 🎧 5,593

Saron Yitbarek is the founder and CEO of CodeNewbie — one of the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. Saron hosts the CodeNewbie podcast, Command Line Heroes from Red Hat, and she’s also the creator of Codeland Conference taking place on July 22 this year in New York City. We talk through getting started, lessons learned, mental health, developing and running a conference…but our conversation begins with a pivotal question asked of Saron…“What are you optimizing for?”

Practical AI Practical AI #45

How to get plugged into the AI community

Chris and Daniel take you on a tour of local and global AI events, and discuss how to get the most out of your experiences. From access to experts to developing new industry relationships, learn how to get your foot in the door and make connections that help you grow as an AI practitioner.

Then drawing from their own wealth of experience as speakers, they dive into what it takes to give a memorable world-class talk that your audience will love. They break down how to select the topic, write the abstract, put the presentation together, and deliver the narrative with impact!

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