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Mat Ryer

136 episodes

Go Time Go Time #165

When Go programs end

2021-02-04T17:00:00Z #go 🎧 15,019

Michael Knyszek from the Go team joins us to talk about what happens when a program ends. How are file handles cleaned up? When are deferred functions run, and when are they skipped entirely? Is there a way to terminate all running goroutines? Tune in to learn the answers to these questions and more!

Go Time Go Time #163

CUE: Configuration superpowers for everyone

2021-01-21T19:30:00Z #go 🎧 14,914

On this episode we learn how to Configure, Unify, and Execute things. What’s CUE all about? Well, it’s an open source language with a rich set of APIs and tooling for defining, generating, and validating all kinds of data: configuration, APIs, database schemas, code, … you name it.

Now that we’ve copy/pasted the project’s description… let’s dig in and learn how we can use CUE to make our Go programs better!

Go Time Go Time #161

Go Panic!

2021-01-07T22:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,287

Mat Ryer hosts our don’t-call-it-jeopardy game show live at GopherCon! Kat Zień, Mark Bates, and L Körbes put their Go knowledge to the test! Can you outwit our intrepid contestants?

Go Time Go Time #157

The secret life of gophers

2020-11-26T15:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 14,312

Join Mat Ryer for a fun conversation with Kris Brandow, Angelica Hill, and Natalie Pistunovich about how these Gophers get work/life done in this crazy world! Expect to learn about work environment must-haves, communication tips & tricks, developer tool recommendations, and much more!

Go Time Go Time #155

What would you remove from Go?

2020-11-12T16:20:00Z #go 🎧 14,811

When we talk about improving a programming language, we often think about what features we would add. Things like generics in Go, async/away in JS, etc. In this episode we take a different approach and talk about what we would remove from Go to make it better.

Go Time Go Time #154

How Go helped save

2020-11-05T17:15:00Z #go 🎧 19,343

Paul Smith (from “Obama’s Trauma Team”) tells us the tale of how Go played a big role in the rescuing and rebuilding of the website. Along the way we learn what the original team did wrong, how the rescue team kept it afloat during huge traffic spikes, and what they’ve done since to rebuild it to serve the people’s needs.

Go Time Go Time #151

Introducing your team to Go

2020-10-15T21:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 15,259

Can’t find a job working in Go? Perhaps introducing your current team to Go is the solution. In this episode we talk about how Go was introduced at different organizations, potential pitfalls that may sabotage your efforts, some advice on how to convince your team and CTO to use Go and more.

Go Time Go Time #150

Cloud Native Go

2020-10-08T15:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 15,805

What is cloud native? In this episode Johnny and Aaron explain it to Mat and Jon. They then dive into questions like, “What problems does this solve?” and “Why was Go such a good fit for this space?”

Go Time Go Time #148

The one with Brad Fitzpatrick

2020-09-24T16:00:00Z #go 🎧 15,007

Brad Fitzpatrick returns to the show (last heard on episode 44) to field a mixed bag of questions from Johnny, Mat, and the live listeners. How’d he get in to programming? What languages did he use before Go? What’s he up to now that he’s not working on the Go language? And of course… does he have any unpopular opinions he’d like to share? 😏

Go Time Go Time #147

Community Q&A

2020-09-17T18:00:00Z #go 🎧 14,002

A community Q&A special. You asked the questions, and we discussed them live on air. A few example questions include “When is it okay to use init?”, “When should we use constructors?”, and “How should Go code be structured?”

Go Time Go Time #146

Hits of the Summer

This episode is different than what you’re used to. We’ve been clipping highlights of the show for awhile now to share on Twitter and YouTube. A side effect of that effort is a bunch of awesome clips just sitting on Jerod’s hard drive collecting digital dust. So, here’s a beta test of a “best of” style clips show covering the summer months. Let us know if you like it!

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