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Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #416

Shopify’s massive storefront rewrite

2020-10-16T21:00:00Z #ruby +1 🎧 28,769

Maxime Vaillancourt joined us to talk about Shopify’s massive storefront rewrite from a Ruby on Rails monolith to a completely new implementation written in Ruby. It’s a fairly well known opinion that rewrites are “the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make” and generally something “you should never do.” But Maxime and the team at Shopify have proved successful in their efforts in this massive storefront rewrite and today’s conversation covers all the details.

JS Party JS Party #147

Frontend Feud

2020-10-09T16:30:00Z #javascript +3 🎧 10,365

Our much anticipated Family Feud rip-off inspired game show is finally here! Emma was joined by Nick and special guest Abenezer Abebe to form the Hypertext Assassins. KBall captained (despite never seeing Family Feud before) the DSL Destroyers with Mikeal and special guest Ali Spittel.

Holler if you want MOAR Feud and check the outro for a chance to win some JS Party swag.

Go Time Go Time #150

Cloud Native Go

2020-10-08T15:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 15,900

What is cloud native? In this episode Johnny and Aaron explain it to Mat and Jon. They then dive into questions like, “What problems does this solve?” and “Why was Go such a good fit for this space?”

Brain Science Brain Science #31

It's OK to self-care

2020-10-01T20:45:00Z #brain-science +1 🎧 15,788

Most of us have heard how important “self-care” is and how important it can be for healthy living. But what exactly IS self-care? In this episode, not only do we define what self-care is, but we talk through the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of what’s involved in self-care and why this can so often be misunderstood and challenging. While we might be familiar with this term, many may not consider how they can be deliberate around managing themselves by both reflecting on and engaging in activities that help support their brains and bodies. It isn’t enough to simply know that self-care is important, rather discovering practical actions you can take to improve both how you feel and how you engage with the world.

Brain Science Brain Science #30

I'm just so stressed

2020-09-25T21:15:00Z #brain-science +1 🎧 14,682

Stress is something that we will inevitably encounter throughout our lives. It isn’t all bad or maladaptive, but how we manage it can make a significant difference in our lives. The degree of stress we feel impacts how we show up in the world including both how we relate and how we do the work before us each day.

In this episode, Mireille and Adam discuss the impact of stress on our systems including the role of different stress hormones on our immune system, cardiovascular system and our metabolism. Like many other conversations on previous episodes, we provide research relative to the value of relationships as having close connections helps us all combat the stress that loneliness can cause as well. When we utilize resources to support us as well as set limits on what we expose ourselves to and focus our attention to, we have the opportunity to better navigate the stresses of our lives.

Practical AI Practical AI #106

Learning about (Deep) Learning

2020-09-21T17:00:00Z #ai +2 🎧 12,223

In anticipation of the upcoming NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC), Will Ramey joins Daniel and Chris to talk about education for artificial intelligence practitioners, and specifically the role that the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute plays in the industry. Will’s insights from long experience are shaping how we all stay on top of AI, so don’t miss this ‘must learn’ episode.

Brain Science Brain Science #28

Dealing with conflict

2020-09-09T21:30:00Z #brain-science +1 🎧 12,134

Conflict is a part of everyday life. If you are connected to other humans, conflict will eventually occur. But what exactly is conflict? Where does it begin? How can it be resolved? In this episode, Mireille and Adam dive deep into those details to examine the framework of conflict end-to-end, to hopefully equip us with the tactics and skills we need to better navigate and resolve the conflict we encounter in our lives.

Practical AI Practical AI #103

Getting Waymo into autonomous driving

2020-09-01T14:00:00Z #ai +3 🎧 9,959

Waymo’s mission is to make it safe and easy for people and things to get where they’re going.
After describing the state of the industry, Drago Anguelov - Principal Scientist and Head of Research at Waymo - takes us on a deep dive into the world of AI-powered autonomous driving. Starting with Waymo’s approach to autonomous driving, Drago then delights Daniel and Chris with a tour of the algorithmic tools in the autonomy toolbox.

Practical AI Practical AI #102

Hidden Door and so much more

2020-08-24T20:00:00Z #ai +4 🎧 8,936

Hilary Mason is building a new way for kids and families to create stories with AI. It’s called Hidden Door, and in her first interview since founding it, Hilary reveals to Chris and Daniel what the experience will be like for kids. It’s the first Practical AI episode in which some of the questions came from Chris’s 8yo daughter Athena.

Hilary also shares her insights into various topics, like how to build data science communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic, reasons why data science goes wrong, and how to build great data-based products. Don’t miss this episode packed with hard-won wisdom!

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #408

Working in Public

2020-08-12T21:30:00Z #oss 🎧 24,195

Nadia Eghbal is back and this time she’s talking with us about her new book Working in Public. If you’re an old school listener you might remember the podcast we produced with Nadia and Mikeal Rogers called Request for Commits. If you weren’t listening then, or can’t remember…don’t worry…the back catalog of Request for Commits is still online and subscribe-able via all the podcast ways. That podcast is still getting listens to this very day!

Obviously we go way back with Nadia…and having a chance to now talk with her through all the details of her new book Working in Public, this was a milestone for this show and Jerod and I. We talked through the reasons she wrote the book in the first place, Nadia’s thoughts on the future of the internet and the connection of creators to the platforms they build their followings on, and we also talk about the health of projects and communities and the challenges we face internet-at-large as well as right here in our backyard in the open source community.

Practical AI Practical AI #100

Practical AI turns 100!!! 🎉

2020-08-11T15:00:00Z #ai +2 🎧 9,405

We made it to 100 episodes of Practical AI! It has been a privilege to have had so many great guests and discussions about everything from AGI to GPUs to AI for good. In this episode, we circle back to the beginning when Jerod and Adam from The Changelog helped us kick off the podcast. We discuss how our perspectives have changed over time, what it has been like to host an AI podcast, and what the future of AI might look like. (GIVEAWAY!)

Founders Talk Founders Talk #72

Slow and steady wins

2020-08-03T19:30:00Z #startups 🎧 6,669

Jeff Sheldon is the founder and creator of Ugmonk. Jeff is a designer by trade, and an entrepreneur by accident. I been following Jeff’s journey for the better part of Ugmonk’s existence. I’m also a customer. Jeff and I hold several similar values near and dear to our hearts. In addition to my appreciation for Jeff’s product design abilities, and how he leads his business, I also appreciate Jeff’s awareness and focus on the long hard path.

Go Time Go Time #140

The latest on Generics

2020-07-30T18:30:00Z #go 🎧 16,609

Robert and Ian join us to talk about the latest updates on generics in Go. What type of feedback are they looking for as developers get their hands on tools designed to experiment with generics and Go? What was the deal with the featherweight Go paper that also discussed generics? Why can’t we use angle brackets for generics?

JS Party JS Party #136

Deep in the WebRTC deep end

2020-07-24T17:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 10,916

Jerod assembles a team of WebRTC experts (Suz, Feross, Mikeal) for a deep, deep dive on this practically-ubiquitous yet still-complicated web API.

We review its history, share really cool applications using the tech, provide an excellent primer on what you need to know about it, and details some production gotchas. ALSO we celebrate how Feross single-handedly “upgraded the internet”! 🙌

Brain Science Brain Science #25

The science behind caffeine

2020-07-17T20:30:00Z #brain-science +2 🎧 11,290

Today’s episode features our very first guest. We’re joined by Danielle Rath, a notable expert and product developer in the caffeine and energy drink industry. Danielle is the founder of GreenEyedGuide Research and Consulting where she shares science-based information about energy drinks and caffeine, and helps people and companies where fatigue and caffeine use are prevalent. In this lengthly episode, we talk through all aspects of the science behind caffeine — its chemical structure and half-life, where and how it’s being used, the good, bad, and the ugly, as well as practical advice for everyday consumption. If you consume caffeine of any sort, this is a must listen episode.

Practical AI Practical AI #96

Practical AI Ethics

The multidisciplinary field of AI Ethics is brand new, and is currently being pioneered by a relatively small number of leading AI organizations and academic institutions around the world. AI Ethics focuses on ensuring that unexpected outcomes from AI technology implementations occur as rarely as possible. Daniel and Chris discuss strategies for how to arrive at AI ethical principles suitable for your own organization, and what is involved in implementing those strategies in the real world. Tune in for a practical AI primer on AI Ethics!

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #399

Shipping work that matters

2020-06-25T11:00:00Z #product-development +2 🎧 24,705

We’re revisiting Shape Up and product development thoughts with Ryan Singer, Head of Product Strategy at Basecamp. Last August we talked with Ryan when he first launched his book Shape Up and now we’re back to see how Shape Up is shaping up — “How are teams using the wisdom in this book to actually ship work that matters? How does Shape Up work in new versus existing products?” We also talk about the concept of longitudinal thinking and the way it’s impacting Ryan’s designs, plus a grab bag of topics in the last segment.

JS Party JS Party #131

Evolving alongside JS

2020-06-19T14:30:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 11,231

We take a listener request this week and discuss how we evolve alongside (or opt out of) the ever changing JavaScript syntax. Arrow functions and variable declarations take center stage, but a wide range of new(ish) JS syntax and features are discussed.

Then Feross shares his new app, Nick talks fiction books, and Jerod switches coding fonts.

Brain Science Brain Science #23

Your brain can change

2020-06-17T21:00:00Z #brain-science +1 🎧 9,977

You are not what you’ve been dealt. You might have heard in your life that you’ve inherited bad genes or even good genes, and from that you conclude that you’re doomed or blessed. In some cases there’s a margin of truth to that. However, the role of genes, Epigentics, and Neuroplasticity tell a different story. It’s a story of hope and opportunity for change.

Founders Talk Founders Talk #70

Leading GitLab to $100M ARR

2020-06-09T21:00:00Z #startups +2 🎧 6,759

Sid Sijbrandij is the Co-founder and CEO of GitLab — an all-remote company and complete DevOps platform. As a company, they have their eyes set on taking the company public to IPO and they’re very outspoken about their culture, open handbook, and how they work as an all-remote company. We talk through where Sid came from, the early days of GitLab, why IPO vs a private sale (like GitHub), what it means to put “family and friends first, work second,” how we should view work, and his biggest fear — the company failing.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #397

Creating GitLab’s remote playbook

2020-06-09T11:00:00Z #wfh +1 🎧 26,138

We’re talking about all things all-remote with Darren Murph, Head of Remote at GitLab. Darren is tasked with putting intentional thought and action into place to lead the largest all-remote company in the world. Yes, GitLab is 100% all-remote, as in, no offices…and they employee more than 1,200 people across 67 countries. They’ve been iterating and documenting how to work remotely for years. We cover Darren’s personal story on remote work while he served as managing editor at Engadget, his thoughts on how “work” is evolving and ways to reframe and rethink about when you work, this idea of work life harmony, and the backstory and details of the playbook GitLab released free of charge to the world.

Go Time Go Time #132

The trouble with databases

2020-05-28T15:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 18,185

Databases are tricky, especially at scale. In this episode Mat, Jaana, and Jon discuss different types of databases, the pros and cons of each, along with the many ways developers can have issues with databases. They also explore questions like, “Why are serial IDs problematic?” and “What alternatives are there if we aren’t using serial IDs?” while at it.

Brain Science Brain Science #20

Navigating perfectionism

2020-05-20T18:00:00Z #brain-science +2 🎧 7,980

High expectations for performance in both life and work are common, but what do you do when you get stuck and you’re not able to achieve the results you desire? In this episode, Mireille and Adam talk through the different aspects of perfectionism and ways in which is can be adaptive and helpful and other ways in which it poses additional challenges. What happens when we avoid the possibility of failure as opposed to simply having high standards for our performance? How can we begin to focus on healthy striving as opposed to reaching for perfection?

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #395

Leading GitHub to a $7.5 billion acquisition

2020-05-18T18:30:00Z #github +1 🎧 26,059

Jason Warner (CTO at GitHub) joined the show to talk with us about the backstory of how he helped to lead GitHub to a $7.5 billion acquisition by Microsoft. Specifically how they trusted their gut not just the data, and how they understood the value they were bringing to market. We also talk about Jason’s focus on “horizon 3” for GitHub, and his thoughts on remote work and how they’re leading GitHub engineering today.

JS Party JS Party #127

A visit to Deno Land

2020-05-15T15:00:00Z #deno +2 🎧 12,260

Divya and Nick welcome Deno’s Kit Kelly to the show to celebrate the highly-anticipated new JavaScript/TypeScript runtime’s big 1.0 release.

This is a wide-ranging discussion about all things Deno. We discuss why they’re using Rust, how they’re rewriting parts of the TypeScript compiler, their take on package management, what adoption looks like, their code of conduct, and more.

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