Go Time

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Your source for wide-ranging discussions from all around the Go community

Go Time Go Time #297

Event-driven systems & architecture

2023-11-14T22:05:00Z #go +1 🎧 28,809

Event-driven systems may not be the go-to solution for everyone because of the challenges they can add. While the system reacting to events published in other parts of the system seem elegant, some of the complexities they bring can be challenging. However, they do offer durability, autonomy & flexibility.

In this episode, we’ll define event-driven architecture, discuss the problems it solves, challenges it poses & potential solutions.

Go Time Go Time #196

Building actually maintainable software

2021-09-09T15:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 24,328

Building software is difficult and time consuming, but the maintenance of software is where we spend the majority of our time. In this episode, Ian and sam join Johnny and Kris to discuss how to build actually maintainable software, the features of Go that make it good for writing maintainable software, and different ways that we might define the term “maintenance”.

Go Time Go Time #100

Creating the Go programming language

2019-09-25T19:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 24,197

Carmen and Jon talk with Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer (the creators of Go) about its origins, growth, influence, and future. This an epic episode that dives deep into the history and details of the how’s and why’s of Go, and the choices they’ve made along the way in creating this awesome programing language.

Go Time Go Time #286

So do we like Generics or not?

2023-07-25T21:00:00Z #go 🎧 23,873

So, do we like generics or not? Some people feared they’d be the end of the language. Others were very hopeful, and had clear use cases, and were thrilled about the feature coming to the language. It was also often touted as the reason a lot of people didn’t adopt Go. So what do we think now? Mat and Kris are joined by Roger Peppe and Bryan Boreham to discuss the state of Generics in Go.

Go Time Go Time #239

Go for beginners ♻️

2022-07-21T14:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 23,207

How do beginners learn Go? This episode is meant to engage both non-Go users that listen to sister podcasts here on Changelog, or any Go-curious programmers out there, as well as encourage those that have started to learn Go and want to level up beyond the basics. On this episode we’re aiming to answer questions about how to learn Go, identify resources that are available, and where you can go to continue your learning journey.

Go Time Go Time #218

Going with GraphQL

2022-02-24T17:20:00Z #go +1 🎧 22,431

Mark Sandstrom and Ben Kraft join Jon and Mat to talk about GraphQL. What exactly is it this query language everyone has been talking about? How does it work? What Go libraries are out there, and where should you get started?

Go Time Go Time #194

Don't forget about memory management

2021-08-26T21:00:00Z #go 🎧 22,350

Bryan Boreham (Grafana Labs) and Jordan Lewis (Cockroach Labs) join Mat and Jon to talk about memory management in Go. We learn about the heap, the stack, and the garbage collector. There are also some absolute gems of wisdom scattered throughout this episode, don’t miss it.

Go Time Go Time #220

Bob Logblaw Log Blog

2022-03-10T22:20:00Z #go 🎧 21,674

Ed Welch joins Mat and Jon to discuss logging. They explore the different options for logging in Go, and discuss what data is worth including. Everything from log levels, formats, non-structured vs structured logs, along with common gotchas and good practices when dealing with logs at scale.

Go Time Go Time #208

Our first decade with Go

2021-12-02T17:00:00Z #go 🎧 21,598

We’ve talked several times about getting started with Go. But Go is already 12 years old! Let’s talk about how it all started, and hear about it from the people who were there from the beginning.

Go Time Go Time #232

The myth of incremental progress

2022-06-02T18:20:00Z #go +1 🎧 21,579

During a conversation in the #gotime channel of Gopher Slack, Jerod mentioned that some people paint with a blank canvas while others paint by numbers. In this 8th episode of the maintenance series, we’re talking about maintaining our knowledge. With Jerod’s analogy and a little help from a Leslie Lamport interview, our panel discusses the myth of incremental progress.

Go Time Go Time #201

eBPF and Go

2021-10-14T15:40:00Z #go +1 🎧 21,507

eBPF (7 years old) is a sandbox that can run code inside the linux kernel. It started as a technology to build firewalls, and has evolved over time to include a range of new features.

The panel discuss the origins of eBPF and how it works, as well as dig into some real-world use cases. While eBPF programs themselves aren’t written in Go (more like C), we will hear about how you can communicate with eBPF programs from your Go code.

Go Time Go Time #213

AI-driven development in Go

2022-01-20T17:00:00Z #go +3 🎧 21,290

Alexey Palazhchenko joins Natalie to discuss the implications of GitHub’s Copilot on code generation. Go’s design lends itself nicely to computer generated authoring: thanks to go fmt, there’s already only one Go style. This means AI-generated code will be consistent and seamless. Its focus on simplicity & readability make it tailor made for this new approach to software creation. Where might this take us?

Go Time Go Time #328

OpenAPI & API design

2024-08-08T14:15:00Z #go +1 🎧 21,121

We’re talking OpenAPI this week! Kris & Johnny are joined by Jamie Tanna, one of the maintainers of oapi-codegen, to discuss OpenAPI, API design philosophies, versioning, and open source maintenance and sustainability. In addition to the usual laughs and unpopular opinions, this week’s episode includes a Changelog++ section that you don’t want to miss.

Go Time Go Time

It is Go Time!

2020-03-16T20:37:40Z #go 🎧 20,993

This is THE podcast for diverse discussions from around the Go community.

Go Time’s panel hosts special guests like Kelsey Hightower… (clip from episode #114)

picks the brains of the Go team at Google… (clip from episode #100)

shares their expertise from years in the industry (clip from episode #102)

and has an absolute laugh riot along the way… (clip from episode #110)

It is Go Time! Please listen to a recent episode that interests you and subscribe today. We’d love to have you with us.

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