Go Time

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Your source for wide-ranging discussions from all around the Go community

This podcast is not in production. Please browse and enjoy the archive below.

Go Time Go Time #321

Dependencies are dangerous

2024-07-03T20:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 13,063

Dependencies! We need them, but how do we use them effectively and safely? In this week’s episode Kris is joined by Ian and Johnny to discuss the polyfill.io supply chain attack, the history of dependency management and usage in Go, and the Go Proverb that “a little copying is better than a little dependency”. Of course, we wrap up the episode with some Unpopular Opinions!

Go Time Go Time #319

Is Go evolving in the wrong direction?

2024-06-18T21:30:00Z #go 🎧 14,768

This week we’re catching up on the news! Kris is joined by Ian to discuss some of the recent news from around the Go community. Listen in to hear whether the co-hosts believe there’s software that shouldn’t be written in Go, their thoughts on if Go is evolving in the right direction & whether common nouns make good package names.

Go Time Go Time #318

How things get done on the Go Team

2024-06-12T14:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 12,710

Angelica is joined by Cameron Balahan, Sameer Ajmani & Russ Cox from the Go Team at Google to talk about how things get done on the Go Team, how do they decide what to improve and then how do they go about improving it. We also discuss how they decide what to work when & what the future of Go might look like.

Go Time Go Time #297

Event-driven systems & architecture

2023-11-14T22:05:00Z #go +1 🎧 30,003

Event-driven systems may not be the go-to solution for everyone because of the challenges they can add. While the system reacting to events published in other parts of the system seem elegant, some of the complexities they bring can be challenging. However, they do offer durability, autonomy & flexibility.

In this episode, we’ll define event-driven architecture, discuss the problems it solves, challenges it poses & potential solutions.

Go Time Go Time #285

The tools we love

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2023-07-19T15:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,027

The Go ecosystem has a hoard of tools and editors for Gophers to choose from and it can be difficult to find ones that are a good fit for each individual. In this episode, we discuss what tools and editors we’re using, the ones we wish existed, how we go about finding new ones, and why we sometimes choose to write our own tools.

Go Time Go Time #240

What's new in Go 1.19

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2022-07-28T18:35:38Z #go 🎧 20,922

Go 1.18 was a major release where we saw the introduction of generics into the language as well as other notables such as fuzzing and workspaces. With Go 1.19 slated to come out next month, one has to wonder what’s next. Are we in store to be blown away by new and major features like we saw in 1.18? Not exactly but there are still lots of improvements to be on the lookout for.

Joining Mat & Johnny to touch on some of the most interesting ones is Carl Johnson, himself a contributor to the 1.19 release.

Go Time Go Time #235

2053: A Go Odyssey

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2022-06-23T15:45:00Z #go 🎧 18,616

The year is 2053. The tabs-vs-spaces wars are long over. Ron Evans is the only Go programmer still alive on Earth. All he does is maintain old Go code. It’s terrible! He must find a way to warn his fellow gophers before it’s too late. Good thing he finally got that PDQ transmission system working…

Go Time Go Time #196

Building actually maintainable software

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2021-09-09T15:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 24,558

Building software is difficult and time consuming, but the maintenance of software is where we spend the majority of our time. In this episode, Ian and sam join Johnny and Kris to discuss how to build actually maintainable software, the features of Go that make it good for writing maintainable software, and different ways that we might define the term “maintenance”.

Go Time Go Time #179

Event-driven systems

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2021-05-13T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 20,829

In this episode we talk with Daniel and Steve about their experience with event-driven systems and shed some light on what they are and who they might be for. We explore topics like the complexity of setting up an event-driven system, the need to embrace eventual consistency, useful tools for building event-driven systems, and more.

Go Time Go Time #172

Design philosophy

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2021-03-25T15:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 18,453

In this insight-filled episode, Bill Kennedy joins Johnny and Kris to discuss best practices around the design of software in Go. Bill talks through scenarios, lessons learned, and pitfalls to avoid in both architecture and coding of Go projects.

Go Time Go Time #167

The art of reading the docs

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2021-02-18T17:15:00Z #go +2 🎧 14,743

Documentation. You can treat it as a dictionary or reference manual that you look up things in when you get stuck during your day-to-day work OR (and this is where things get interesting) you can immerse yourself in a subject, domain, or technology by deeply and purposefully consuming its manuals cover-to-cover to develop expertise, not just passing familiarity.

In this episode we pull in perspectives and anecdotes from beginners and veterans alike to understand the impact of RTFM deeply. Also Sweet Filepath O’ Mine?!?!

Go Time Go Time #161

Go Panic!

2021-01-07T22:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,558

Mat Ryer hosts our don’t-call-it-jeopardy game show live at GopherCon! Kat Zień, Mark Bates, and L Körbes put their Go knowledge to the test! Can you outwit our intrepid contestants?

Go Time Go Time #154

How Go helped save HealthCare.gov

2020-11-05T17:15:00Z #go 🎧 19,654

Paul Smith (from “Obama’s Trauma Team”) tells us the tale of how Go played a big role in the rescuing and rebuilding of the HealthCare.gov website. Along the way we learn what the original team did wrong, how the rescue team kept it afloat during huge traffic spikes, and what they’ve done since to rebuild it to serve the people’s needs.

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